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Saburo often tries to convince himself to think positively like Ichiro. It's a sunny day, a lot of families laughing and playing together. The ice-cream vendor is there with his cart ringing his bell. A big plus is that his brothers seem to be having fun!

Keyword is tries to.

It's fucking scorching—he's bound to get a sunburn later. There are bugs everywhere and Jiro somehow has managed not to make an idiot out of himself. Which means he's lost his only hope of entertainment and now he's bored again. It's not a great day at all, it's a very very shitty day for him and he blames Fling Posse (Because it's always Fling Posse doing shit like this).

He thinks back to yesterday afternoon when he was messing around with the group chat as per usual. Ramuda had suddenly brought up picnics during their absolute shitting about—and Saburo knows that when Ramuda Amemura brings up a subject it's never just something he will simply talk about. And lord behold here they are, at the park at 10 AM in the morning. He makes a mental note to attempt murdering the short devil.

Saburo looks around. Jyuto and Kannonzaka are having a chat on one of the three picnic blankets placed down, Ichi-nii and Jiro were playing with the frisbee that they had brought and Fling Posse were fashionably late, as they liked to call it (Saburo really wants to call bullshit but he would be placed top of Ramuda's hitlist). Saburo himself is sitting on the blanket under the tree staring out into whatever. He snaps out of his daze when he hears a very loud "Hello" from none other than Dice.

After being late for 1 and a half hours, Fling Posse finally shows up. As usual they're wearing clothes after a "theme"—it appears with the flowy and pure white clothes they're wearing the theme is "angels". Both Ramuda and Gentarou are wearing dresses; it causes them to get a few weird looks and glares from parents around but Saburo thinks that those people are just narrow-minded. He might have thought it weird before, but seeing as it actually suits them he's alright with it. Dice on the other hand is wearing a flowy shirt with flared sleeves, and black jeans.

Saburo doesn't care if their theme is "angels" or some shit like that though— all he cares about is punching the very smug pink adult in the face. Unfortunately he can't do that, he values his life a lot thank you very much. So instead he settles for glaring at the leader with as much rage as he can possibly can while being tired; unfortunately it doesn't seem to affect Ramuda—who only looks amused. Ugh, he really needs Jiro to be an idiot again or else he'll probably end up sleeping.

"Hey~! There's a place near the lake with a bunch of stalls and a playground!! Let's go there~"

The sign that points to that area says 10 metres.



Eventually they do get to the area Ramuda was talking about—there's a completely different air in that area than their previous one. If the last area was a peaceful garden, this area is a fucking carnival.

Just like Ramuda had said, there were a bunch of food stalls and a gigantic playground. At first Saburo had thought the playground was the type for little kids, but instead he's greeted with a series of playground equipment which definitely isn't the size suitable for a 4 year old. There's no one here today since it's a lake quite far from where his school is. His gaze wonders towards Ramuda—who just happens to be bolting at the huge jungle gym a few steps away from him. The sight of the others messing about on the playground is incredibly weird but somehow it still fits them.

Saburo is the smartest in his class

Saburo is more mature than other people

Saburo is definitely more taller than most people

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