On the road

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Part 5

The next 3 1/2 weeks flew by. You did little things with austin and the guys and their lady's. You told your mom about the engagement and she was ecstatic about it. You told your friends and the rest of your family and they were happy for you too. During that time, you and austin acted like two high schoolers in love. All over each other, lovey dovey, etc. it was the night before the tour began and you were packing a bag for the couple of days you'd be spending with austin and the guys. You didn't want to overpack but you didn't want to under pack. "Austin, what should I bring?" You asked. "Mmm, just yourself babe" he said kissing down your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist. You knew where this was heading, so you pulled away from him and walked towards your closet gathering more clothes. Austin followed you and began kissing you again. "Aus, no I'm not in the mood." "C'mon, Y/N, I'm sure I can put you in the mood" he said moving his lips down to your shoulders and sucking on your sweet spot. "Aus, we both know you can, but really. My nerves are all over the place and I have a pounding headache. I promise, another night okay?" You said pleadingly. He kissed your lips and pulled away, saying "everything's gonna be fine, stop worrying. I'm gonna be with you the whole time, remember,I'm your knight in skinny jeans and slipknot tees" letting out a laugh at the end. "Finish packing your stuff, bring whatever makes you comfortable, I'm gonna go throw some things In a suitcase and then we can watch a movie okay?" "Okay aus." You said giving him a tight squeeze. You finished packing and austin did to. He walked over to the tv, letting you get comfortable in bed. "What movie babe?" "I don't care you choose" you replied. "Little mermaid it is then" he said giggling. He put in the disc and scurried under the sheets with you. This was your favorite part. Not the movie, but laying in bed with Austin's arms around your body, sharing your warmth. It was perfect and calming. You ended up falling asleep 25 minutes into the movie. You woke up to yours and Austin's phone alarms. It was 4 in the morning. You groaned before lifting your body off the bed and shaking Austin's so he would wake up too. He got up a couple minutes after you. You went in the bathroom and cleaned yourself up, brushing your teeth, your hair, and washing your face. Austin came in shortly and did the same. You grabbed your bags and brought them downstairs and set them on the couch so when the bus came you could leave. You went in the kitchen and grabbed a banana and a water for you and austin. Austin walked down the stairs and met you in the kitchen. "How you feeling?" He asked you pulling you into a hug, kissing you on the forehead. "Better than last night but my stomach is bothering me a little" you replied. "Nerves?" Austin asked. "Probably." You answered. "Everything will be fine, don't worry babe" austin said and then you were both distracted by a loud honk in the background. "You ready Y/N?" "As ready as I'll ever be". You both walked out the door and headed towards the bus. The door swung open and alan appeared. "Hey guys!" He screamed. "Hey alan" you said while yawning. "Hey dude" austin Said. Alan walked up to you and grabbed you bags for you and brought them on the bus. "Thanks princess" you yelled to him. He laughed. You walked on the bus and was greeted by a sleepy tino "hey Y/N, how are you?" "Tired but I'm good, how bout yourself?" "Just dandy" tino replied. Aaron was in his bunk already sleeping. And phil was focused on his phone sitting on the couch. You said hi but he didn't hear you so you said it again, "hey phil!" And he looked up and replied "oh hey Y/N, sorry, I was talking to anouk" "it's cool, how is she?" "She's good." And his attention went back to his phone. Austin appeared by your side and he took your hand leading you to the bunks. He picked you up and placed you in his bunk and then climbed in after you. It was a tight space, but It was enough room for the 2 of you to be comfortable. You snuggled up to him and placed your head on his chest. He played with your hair and you traced your fingers over his tattoos. You saw his eyes starting to close and you kissed him on the cheek and proceeded to fall asleep yourself. *You were woken up by Aaron swinging the bunks curtain open and screaming yours and Austin's name. "Nice to see you to Aaron" you said. Austin grabbed the curtain and tugged it back. "I guess we should get up huh?" You said looking up at austin. "Mmm I guess so" he replied placing a kiss on your head, his arms still enveloped with your body. He climbed out of the bunk and then helped you out. it was about 1:00 when you and austin got up. Austin sat on the couch and pulled you onto his lap. Tino and Phil were next to you on the couch, they were having a conversation about their intimate lives, you weren't sure how this conversation came up or if you wanted to become apart of it. So You got up and headed towards the bathroom to avoid any inclusion in the conversation. When you exited the bathroom and walked back to the couch, all the guys were staring at you, everyone but austin. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" You asked. Then a grin grew on everyone's faces. "So I heard you like the kinky shit" alan said trying to hold in a laugh. You let out a "huh?" And tino added "yeah, we heard you like handcuffs, whips, and costumes". Your face immediately got red and you looked austin with an angry expression on. He just laughed. You went over to him and punched his arm "why did you tell them that?" you said through your teeth. He grabbed you and pulled you back down on his lap and said "I thought they'd be jealous, and that they are." he said winking. Your face turned a lighter shade of red, and you were kind of smiling and blushing now. Austin placed a kiss on your cheek, and another on your neck. You jokingly moaned. "Guys, not here c'mon!" You heard Aaron say to you. You and austin looked at him and laughed. You all just hung out on the bus until it stopped moving at around 9:30. "First night of tour, no show, we're getting hammered!" alan said. "Hell yeah!" Tino yelled along with Phil and Aaron. Austin was in the bathroom. "You coming Y/N?" Phil asked you. "No, I'm not feeling great, stomach's still bothering me" you answered. "Aw come on Y/N, your no fun!" Alan said. "Sorry, I would if I could guys!" You said grinning. Austin walked out and asked you if you were going to go out with them, you told him your stomach was still bothering you from earlier but told him he should still go because it's the first night. He replied "no, I'm not going, you came to spend time with me, and I rather stay with you, I'm a little tired." He made sure to say it in front of the guys so he didn't have to repeat himself and so they would know. "You guys suck.whatever we'll have an amazing time without you" alan said. And with that they left the bus. Austin plopped down next to you and told you to lie down on your stomach on the couch. "Aus, really? They haven't even been gone for 5 minutes yet!" You said laughing. "Just trust me and lay down" he said grinning. You did what he told you to do. You thought he was going somewhere else with this but he leaned over you and started massaging your shoulders in an attempt to make you feel better. "Ughhh austin that feels so good, thank you" "anything for you babe" austin chirped. He started moving lower, and lower. He could feel you tensing up as he got lower. He was just above your butt, and he moved his hands down to your upper thighs. He tapped your butt signaling you to turn over, and you did. You turned over and he hovered over your face, and pressed his lips to yours. He moved down towards your neck and began kissing your sweet spot. You let out a soft moan. His lips stayed on your neck but his hands moved down to your pants. You felt his hand sneak in your pants and start rubbing you through your panties. You flinched at the feeling and let out a loud moan, making austin smile against your skin. He pulled his hand out and unbuttoned your jeans and took then off of you. His hand was over your lace panties again and he slipped a finger into you. You moaned out his name "fuck, austin...". He added another one and He kept pumping them in and out of you, barely brushing against your g spot. You felt the warmth in your stomach start to build and your legs started to feel like jelly. "Fuck austin..shit..I'm...I'm gonna..." He went faster, curling his fingers, this time hitting your g spot, setting you off. You layed there for a minute catching your breath while austin watched you. "Feeling better Y/N?" Austin asked you. "You fucking bet." You replied. You went to stand but your legs were still wobbly. Austin picked you up and threw you in his bunk. He removed his clothes and climbed in after you. You took your shirt off and threw it to the floor alongside his clothes. He leaned on his forearms and kissed you deeply, moving his hands under your back and lifting you closer to him to deepen the kiss. While he was doing that he unhooked your bra and pulled it off, tossing it out the bunk. Your lips parted and his met the skin surrounding your breasts. His thumbs played with your nipples as he left kisses on your chest. He positioned himself at your entrance, brushing his top against your core slightly teasing you. "No more teasing carlile" you seductively bitched at him. And with that he slammed into you, making you scream in pain and pleasure, thrusting back into you giving you no time to adjust to his member. You put your legs around his waist, making him go deeper into you, brushing against your spot again. The feeling was coming back.the pit of your stomach was tensing up again. "Austin oh my god...ughh" you yelled out. He let out a couple of grunts. He dug his head in your neck and kept thrusting, somehow getting deeper with each thrust. "Austin..shit...I'm...I'm....I'm gonna cum..fuckkk" he thrusted a couple more times and set you off. Screaming his name and other profanities. "Ahhh fuckkkk" Austin said releasing himself inside of you, riding out his high. You were both panting and sweat was dripping from your faces. He collapsed next to you and pulled your body next closer to his, wrapping his arm around you. "How do you feel now?" He said grinning. "Amazing" you replied. You layed your head on his chest and ended up drifting off. Austin shortly following you.

Part 6 soon 💕

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