I dont know how to feel

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Part 6

You were woken up by a sudden urge from your body. You jumped out of the bunk, trying not to disturb the sleeping austin that layed beside you, and rushed to the bathroom. You shut the door quickly and hovered over the toilet. You were jerked forward by a push from yourself making you throw up. You sat in the bathroom for at least 10 minutes hovering over the toilet, throwing up at least 5 times. You heard a knock on the door, " y/n you okay?" It was tino. "Uh..yeah I'm fine, I'm just...finishing up" you said back through the door. You walked out of the bathroom and everyone but austin was awake. They were all sitting on the couch talking. You walked to the fridge to grab a water and they looked at you. "You sure your okay? You don't look too great" Phil said to you. "Yeah, yeah, really I'm fine." You said looking at all 4 of them. Austin walked out from the bunk area and gave you a hug From behind. You smiled, but then you got a whiff of the aftermath from not showering and your stomach immediately turned again. You ran to the bathroom and threw up again. Austin came in behind you. "Babe, are you okay?" "I feel fine but my stomach..I guess it wasn't nerves, I guess I got sick from somewhere." "Do you think it's serious enough that you have to leave?" "Aus, no I think it's just a one day thing, maybe even a couple of hours" "okay babe, I'll get you some crackers and ginger ale, will that help?" "I guess we'll find out" you said standing up heading back to the bunks. You threw yourself back in Austin's bunk. You didn't want to risk exposing anyone to whatever was going on with you. Austin came to the bunk with ginger ale and some crackers. He gave them to you with a smile on his face. "What would I do without you?" You said to him smiling. He kissed your forehead and walked back to the guys. You heard them having a conversation about the shows. "Yeah today's the 18th, the shows going to be great! And then we can go get hammered like crazy!" You overheard alan say. Then it dawned on you. Today was the 18th. "Shit!" You whispered to yourself and grabbed your phone. You opened an app and looked at some information. "Fuck". You now knew why you were throwing up. You missed your period. You immediately called y/bf/n and said "y/bf/n, something happened. I..I think...I think I'm pregnant" you said very quietly so no one else would hear. "WHAT?!" She practically yelled through the phone. "I missed my period and I've been throwing up all morning and I'm sensitive to certain smells." As you said this to her it was all making sense now. The morning sickness, reacting to certain smells. "Where's the show at tonight? I'll meet you there with some tests." "I'll send you the directions. Fuck y/bf/n, what am I supposed to do?" "Just hang out I'll be there soon love!" "Okay." You hung up and began googling all the symptoms of pregnancy. Austin shot open the curtain and you jumped. "Woah, why so jumpy?" Austin asked you. "You just scared me that's all" you said. "Are you sure your okay? You don't seem like yourself babe" "austin I'm fine, the ginger ale helped, I'm feeling a lot better actually" you said giggling. "We're going to a couple of stores and then we have a quick interview, are you okay here by yourself?" Austin asked you running his hand over your thighs. "Yes, I'll be fine. Go! Have fun" "okay, I love you" he called to you as he was walking towards the door. "We love you too." You said in a whisper. Your eyes went wide as you realized what you just said. You didn't even know how that came out of your mouth. You got a text from y/bf/n and she said she was here. "I thought you were coming tonight?" You replied to her. "This can't wait until tonight y/n" she answered quickly. You heard a knock on the bus door and opened it. It was y/bf/n. She gave you a hug and walked towards the bathroom. She stopped at the door and pointed at you and then the bathroom and then at the bag in her hand. You sighed and grabbed the bag and went in the bathroom. "Do I have too?" You whined. "Yes! Of course y/n!" She said laughing. You opened the box, and took one of the test's out. You squatted and peed on the stick. You opened the door, "so...?" She asked you. "I have to wait a minute right?" You asked her. "Mmmhmmm" she replied. You read over the box. A pink plus meant positive and a blue minus meant negative. You felt like this minute lasted an hour. "Okay, go look" she said to you. You picked up the stick and closed your eyes. Slowly squinting them open. You saw some pink, but you weren't sure because your eyes were still mostly closed, so you opened them all the way and gazed at the stick. You looked over to y/bf/n and spoke "I...I'm...I'm pregnant" you said and you both jumped with excitement. But then you were brought back to reality. "I can't be pregnant! Austin's doing so much right now with the band, this can't happen!" You said starting to panic. "y/n, everything's going to be fine love. Don't worry. I'm sure austin will be thrilled and it will all work out for the best." You started to calm down "your right. But I'm just worried because he's on tour and I don't want to be alone during the pregnancy and I don't want the baby to ask where daddy is all the time" you said starting to cry. "It will all work out for the best. That's why there's Skype and everything y/n. Austin will always be there even if he's not physically with you." You hugged y/bf/n and said "thanks, you keep me sane sometimes you know that?". You both laughed. "When are you gonna tell austin?" "I guess after the show tonight, when were back at the bus." "Sounds good." "Hey y/bf/n, do you want me to see if the bands cool with letting you stay with us until I go back?" "I don't want to impose..." "No I'm sure they'll be cool with it, besides I might need the help" you said jokingly. "Only if the guys are cool with it" she said. "Yay!" And you hugged her.

Part 7 soon 😊😊


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