♡9 ♡

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"Whats wrong..?" He asked.

"Something really strange just happened... Garroth called me..."

"Huh..?" He typed.

"He said something about him needing help and then I heard something what happened to him?" I asked confused.

My hands began to shake again I could barely hold my own phone. I was completely frightened over what I had just heard. I had no idea where he went or what was going on but I definitely didn't want to be apart of it.

"Don't worry about it."

"What how could I not its not even Garroth I'm worried about I just-"

"Leave it be Aph things will be okay." Aaron replied.

I could sense that something was bugging him and his words seemed harsh.


"Sh don't worry nothing like that will happen to you I promise."


I decided it was best not to question it anymore. Aaron did something to get them away but what I heard through that call sounded strange. It didn't sound right I hated Garroth for what he did but I don't think he deserves whatever he was going through. But I guess it didn't matter I had to stop thinking about it and just leave it be.

"Also if you get the chance send me a picture of what those aliens look like I'm very interested ;). Ill take a pic of us as well."

My face flushed at his words a small shade of pink appeared.

"I have to get back to work but we can talk more tomorrow alright?" He replied trying to comfort me.

"Alright bye Aaron."

I turned off my phone and dropped it down beside me. Too much had already happened in one. In one day I lost my boyfriend, was almost raped, found out aliens were real, and then heard from Garroth. It sounded like he was dying!!

I pushed myself up off where I was sitting and looked around the room. My paranoia was begin to act up again. I took in a deep breath and then closed my eyes.

It was probably some type of prank. I'm sure he was just trying to lure me in again.

I shook my head and opening my eyes up again I decided it was time to go to bed. I wasn't even going to touch my phone the thought of receiving another call like that frightened me. Even though Aaron said nothing like that would happen to me hearing it made me extremely nervous since I had no clue what was going on.

I walked over towards the stairs and grabbing onto the railway I walked upstairs. I tried to calm my racing heartbeat but it was too hard. Once I reached the top of the stairs I made my way into my room skipping all the necessities. I jumped into my bed and covering myself under the covers I laid there. I'd most likely be up for a few hours but I'd fall asleep eventually.


I woke up the next morning and was plopped down on my couch. I had already had breakfast and I had to attend work soon. I really wasn't feeling it. I had texted Aaron a bit but eventually he had to go back to work as well.

My heart skipped a best at his name and I looked over at the phone on my side. It was probably best if I went to work now myself. I grabbed the phone beside me and jumped up off the couch. I looked around the room for my purse and found it sitting on the table. Slipping my phone in the bag I swung it over my shoulders and reached in for my keys. I walked over to the front door leaving the house and locking as I did.

I hurried over to my car and sighing I got ready for another day at work.


I was walking around in the office making sure everything was running smoothly before Katelyn walked in the doors.

"Aphmau." I turned my head back as Katelyn walked over to me.


"Today we have to work on gathering everything together apparently they are coming sooner than me thought." Katelyn mumbled.


"Ye we've detected a ship headed towards earth using an app they developed for us. This app is able to track the location of the ships by showing us its distance from Earth. They'll be here tomorrow morning." My eyes were wide at that and she nodded her head.

"Yea I had the same reaction. They'll be calling again as well so be prepared for that."

"Also I've got some news to share with you." I spoke.

She raised an eyebrow and I continued,

"Apparently we got word back and they're sending some soldiers over today. We are getting the leaders assistant to come with us as well to help work on terms of peace. The assistant will contact our leader through her phone allowing him to hear everything thats going on."

She let out a small smile and then nodded her head.

"Lets get back to work the-"

Before she could finish her sentence the screens around us began to flash again and both looked at each other before turning to the screen. An image appeared on the screen and Travis was back.

He was sitting down in front of the screen with his hands folded. Seeing him again remembered what Aaron had told me last night. I reached into my purse and grabbed ahold of my phone. I slowly pulled it out of my pocket and say down on the desk near me.

"Hello Ms. Katelyn."

"Mr. Travis." She replied gritting down on her teeth again.

"As you may know we will be arriving soon. Arriving with me I have a few other people. They all play a major roll in our society here on our own planet so I hope we all get along."

I turned on my phone and Travis and Katelyn began to discuss things. As they did so I pulled up the camera and focusing it up just a tilt it capturing his image I tried to make sure it wasn't obvious I was taking a picture. I clicked on the button and the picture snapped. My heart was racing at the thought of getting caught but luckily no flash went off. The picture went into my gallery and I let out a sigh of relief I could show Aaron now.

"Ms. Aphmau." My eyes directed up off my screen and I stared at the big one in front of me.

Quickly turning off my phone I slowly put it back in my bag.

"Yes Mr. Valkrum?"

Aarmau AU ♡Hack My Heart♡Where stories live. Discover now