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We walked around the halls as we did I made sure to watch the are. Cameras and strange sensors were set up. He had shown me around while introducing me to new technology.

I really wanted to get away from him though I had to find information on what was going on here.

He really didn't seem like a bad guy but I couldn't trust him after all this was his home. He lived here and I didn't know what kind of a person he was. He seemed to be entertaining and fun but he'd most likely report me if I tried anything but then again.

"Uh hey wheres the washrooms." I asked as we stopped in the middle of the hall.

"Head down to the hall to the left you'll see it I'll be back in a bit so just wait here when you're done." I nodded my head and smiling I quickly hurried off down the hall.

I stopped as I turned around the corner and began to walk a bit. I noticed the washroom door and quickly went in closing the door behind me I looked around.

Damn it was one of those public washrooms. I groaned annoyed and began to fix my hair up in the mirror. I had to look for any info I could get and if anyone ever found me I could say I got lost.

I creeped over to the bathroom door and opening it up I looked outside. The guy was gone and no one else seemed to be around either. Leaving the washroom I looked left and right and then headed down a way I hadn't gone yet.


As I skipped down the hallways I had been checking different rooms. There wasn't much I had learned people had stared at me and I had entered a few rooms with people but nothing that seemed suspicious.

As I walked down the hallway I began to hear some noises. The further down this hall I got the less people there was. The lights got dimmer and the number of rooms also began to decrease. A shiver went down my spine as I stopped in front of a doorway at the end of the hall.

"Do not enter"

Ignoring the sign I looked down at the door handle and opened up the door. My stomach began to feel nervous as I slipped into the room. My heart began to pound in my chest as the door slowly closed behind me. I took a step forward looking around the dark room.

Maybe I should say something.

A sound of metal hitting the floor immediately made me yelp.

"W-Whos there...." A weak voice called out.

I stepped back a bit bumping into the door I quickly turned around. I tried to open it up but the knob wouldn't even budge.

"Hello..." The called out again.

I squeaked and began to feel the wall for a light switch.

"W-Whos there." I mumbled.

"Please..." The said coughing.


A light in the room began to flicker. Both of us immediately going quiet. My attention turned towards the light. I slowly walked towards it trying not to make any noise as I did. The light was flickering above a small table. Thats when my heart dropped. On the table were knives and different kind of surgery tools. Only problem was each other them were covered in blood.

I began to lose my balance as I backed away from the table.

What the hell was going on in here.

"Please..." The voice called out.

"What is this place??" I asked confused.

"Please before he back..." The choked out.

"W-Who..." I asked nervously.

"S-Save me please! I'll kill you!" The shouted.

"L-Leave me alone!" I screeched.

I began to back up even more until I felt something touch my leg. My eyes widened in shock and I ran towards the table as I picked up a knife. Quickly turned around I noticed someone crawling in front of me. One of there hands had reached out into the light as they dragged there selves forward.

"Ill kill you! I need food! I KILL YOU!" They screamed out laughing like a maniac.

I screamed as well and held the knife tightly to my chest. My eyes began to blurr with tears as I looked over to the side of the room.

"No no no no NO.. NO!" They began to scream and holler out no as we both looked at another figure. They were standing close to the light but still in the darkness.

There hand extended towards me in the light waiting for me to take it. I didn't think twice before grabbing it. My hole body began to shake as there arms wrapped around me. Tears began to trickle down my face.

"Shhh its okay now."

Aarmau AU ♡Hack My Heart♡Where stories live. Discover now