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Gamora has vomited twice since she woke up.
The first time is a result of a shock to her system after spending so many years in a state of stasis. It takes her body, or more specifically her lungs, a moment to get used to functioning and breathing unassisted especially since there seems to have been a strange change in the atmosphere since she last remembers.
The second time is less than ten minutes after. The boy - he goes by Five - who woke up her up takes to staring at her for a minute too long, his eyes trained on the details of her face as if he expects her to face away. It would make her uncomfortable if she did not have other thoughts occupying her mind. Namely: her father. Where is he? Why isn't he here? She expected that when she finally did wake up, the first face that she would see would be her father.
Instead, the only face she sees belongs to the boy. It's not an unwelcome sight.
He looks about her age - her psychical age - with unruly dark hair and startling eyes that she can only compare to the waters of the lake that her father had loved taking her to when she was younger. He looks tired, though, as if he's caught in a never ending storm, and his clothes; ripped and stained in places, only adds to the impression. But more than that, he strikes her as inquisitive. His brilliant eyes follow her every movement. She watches him glance around the room, at the capsule and the notes on the wall, attempting to gauge information from it. She doesn't mind it. She appreciates the need for answers.