Part 7

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Kashmere Philips:

*I know he don't look like he did when he was younger, I forgot to make sure I had a baby to use before I started writing*

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*I know he don't look like he did when he was younger, I forgot to make sure I had a baby to use before I started writing*


Jacey Philips

Jacey Philips

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"Can you stop and come here Kash" I said

"No whea' dada" he cried

I sighed, "Kash bring your ass here NOW!" I yelled and he put his head down and walked slowly towards me. I hated yelling at him, but I didn't want him to grow up thinking he didn't have to listen to no one. Now that he could talk a little bit it was driving me crazy. He always wanted everything to go his way or he would cry and yell. He even cussed once and said 'shit'

"Quit yelling at him nigga" Kaden said coming from the back and picking up Kash "I right here Mer" he said.

"He only acting like that cause you here" I said mocking him from yesterday. We started laughing then I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I said

"Jacey! He's hitting her" Destiny cried and I heard my mom screaming.

"Wait calm down D. What's going on?" I said getting up and slipping on some shoes.

"Mom was on the phone with Uncle Jarod and then my dad asked her who it was when she said her brother he got mad and she tried to explain that it was Aunt Donna's husband so it was her brother. Since we barely see aunt Donna he didn't believe her because he says he dont know her" she said in one breathe.

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