Part 35

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"You happy?" I asked Kaden

"Hell yeah, I'm about to marry the love of my life in a few weeks" he hugged me.

We walked through the parking lot and into the restaurant. "Where is my daughter Kaden!?" Jada yelled following us in

"What the hell" I turned around

"WHERE IS SHE!" She pushed him

"Excuse me, take that outside" the manager shooed us. We came out and Jada started pacing. She looked stressed and bad.

"Let me holla' at her real quick" Kaden told me and I nodded as they walked off.

I'm gone call and check on the little demons.


We had the house set up with the food and all the decorations were outside. Jayla came downstairs with some towels placing them by the back door, so that the floor wouldn't get wet up.

"Keionna get the door" I yelled to her. A few moments later a group of girls came in. "Hey" I waved to them.

"Hey, y'all got some alcohol or something?" One girl asked.

"Yeah, it's outside on the table" I pointed to the backyard

"Thanks" she smiled.

I jogged upstairs and got dressed into my two piece bathing suit. While I was coming out my room, Jayla was also. "Woah! Look at my twin" I recorded her.

"Fine asf" she twirled. "But look at you!" She recorded me.

I did a lil hair flip and then we both laughed. I swear I was upstairs for 15 minutes and now, people just piling into the house.

"NUHUN, EVERYONE OUTSIDE!" Keionna stood on the island

"Man shut up!" Someone yelled at her

"Bitch you can leave" Jayla told him.

"It's hot asf outside" he waved her off

"Go get in the fucking pool then. EVERYBODY OUTSIDE!" I yelled and they all went outside.

"Dumb fucks. Where is Layla?" Jayla asked.

"Outside having fun" Keionna told us.

I grabbed a plate of nachos and went outside. The music was blasting, people were throwing each other in the pool. They were drinking, eating just having fun.

I heard a lot of ooh's and people hyping someone up in this big ass circle and walked over there. "AYYE!" I started yelling too hyping up the old lady we saw in store the other day.

She was getting down! Marcus snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to the pool. "No stop! I got this food."

"Not nomore" Quis laughed taking my plate

"Bae! Stoop!" I fought him off.

"Help me" Marcus laughed to Marquis.

"Get off my mf Sister" Jayla jumped in. We managed to push Marcus in and Marquis started running.

Me and Jayla shit talked and celebrated until Ernest and Liam pushed us in. "You bitches" Jayla got out chasing them.

Next thing you know it's boys vs girls, and us girls was getting thrown in the pool left and right. I got tired of it and just stayed in the pool.


The party was going good, and I was having a lot of fun. "Is she sleep?" Bianca tapped me and then pointed to our old lady friend. I started dying of laughter

"Yes, yes she is"

"Y'all boring, come dance!" Layla drunk ass came over pulling me up.

"In a minute" I told her

"Oh my god ju- WATCH OUT!" She yelled, but I reacted too slow. All I felt was a whole bunch of water dumped on my head.

"Who the fuck" I turned around "Keionna, I'm finna beat yo ass" I got up and she started to run. Our backyard is big as fuck, so it took some time to catch her.

I picked her up and threw her inside the pool. All her lil friends bomb-rushed me and threw me in. "I am so sick of this shit!" I yelled

"Shut up" Ernest splashed me, so I splashed him back and it wet his group of friends. Then they all started drowning me with water. I hurried up and got out the pool and grabbed a water gun.

I started throwing them to all the girls and we sprayed they asses.


"You gone get me in trouble" I sat on Marquis's lap in my room. "But fuck it" I shrugged pulling his shirt off.

"You not drunk is you?" He asked me.

"No, I didn't take not one sip of alcohol" I told him the truth

"Alright" He said untying my bikini top. "Is you sure though?" He asked me

"Yeeees I'm sure" I pushed him down on the bed.

"I ain't got no condom" he told me.

"Oooh" I got off him. "We can do this another time then. I'm not risking it"

"Imma pull out, I promise" he pulled me back down. I was hesitant at first but then let it happen.


"Y'all still letting people stay over?" Marcus asked me.

"No, my momma said they might come home tomorrow and people don't like to leave when asked" I told him getting my stuff for my shower.

"It would be useless to shower right now" he pulled me to him. "Wait til after we fuck"

"Who said we was fucking?" I laughed

"You don't want to?" He asked

"Boy shut up" I rolled eyes climbing on him.
Excuse any mistakes

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