Part 24

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I'm supposed to be meeting with Jada today

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I'm supposed to be meeting with Jada today. I'm upset that Kaden probably having another baby, but if it his I want my kids to be around they brother or sister. I'm not meeting with her to form a friendship or a strong bond.

"This is stupid" Kaden walked into the bathroom

"How?" I laughed putting in my earrings

"The baby might not even be mines and you meeting with her. You just jinxing the whole thing"

"Boy hush, and key word might. If it is I want you to be a good dad to him or her too. It wouldn't be fair to show favoritism" I said rubbing my stomach

"Her and I know that"

"Her? Awe hell nah. Why" I pouted "I wanted Kacey to be daddy's only girl. Now she might have to share" I sighed

"Kacey? When you name her"

"Oh when A'loni accidentally told me" I said "you don't like it?"

"It's cool, but you got to name Kash let me name her" he smiled

"Okay, nothing stupid though"

"I won't and you won't find out until it's on the birth certificate" he smirked

"Okay, but if it's dumb we really gone fight"

She said she wanted to meet at Applebee's, so I'm pulling up into the parking lot. I told them who I was here for and they pointed her out to me. I smiled and told them thank you.

"Hey" I said making her look up from her phone.

"Hey" she smiled "I didn't order yet, so do you want to eat first or just talk then eat?"

"It doesn't matter to me" I shrugged

"Okay well before anything, I apologize for the way I acted at your gender reveal, it was uncalled for" she said

"It's cool" I smiled. "So you're having a girl too?" I asked

"Yeah, I wanted a boy. Speaking of how's Kashmere?"

"He cool, he just getting too big" I laughed

We made small talk until the waiter came, took our order, and brought the food back. Jada had a lot of stuff, for her to be that small. That girl sure can eat.

"How old are you?" I asked

"18" she answered "you?"

"17, my birthday in a few days though" I replied.

"Oh" she said and placed her phone on the table. I saw a picture of her and Kaden on the lock screen.

When they take that? Why do I care, he's with me... right. I should ask him, nah I trust him. She probably just trying to make me mad

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