The End

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(A/N: I tried to make it to part 40, but I just couldn't)


Me and my now husband, Kaden just made it back home from our honeymoon. "Mommy!" Keionna ran jumping on me.

When the girls heard that they both came downstairs too. "Wow, so I just don't get no love" Kaden smacked his lips. The girls let me go and then hugged him.

"Sooo how was it?" Jayla asked us.

"Amazing!" I laughed.

"Y'all so cute" Kayla cheesed.

"Whatever" I waved them off. "Y'all go get our bags for us out the car, we old and tired" I sat on the couch.

"KASH!" Keionna yelled. A few minutes later he and Susan came downstairs. "Momma said go get their bags out the car" she told him.

"Aight" he went outside.

"Heeey Mrs.Mill" Susan sat next to me and we gave each other a hug.

"Hi baby" I smiled. "What you been up to, how you been?" I asked.

"Good" she smiled back and I nodded.

"Momma they was being so mean to me while you was gone, they was bringing they boyfriends over here but wouldn't let me bring my bestie" Keionna snitched.

"Girl" Kayla mugged her.

"What did I say last time we talked?" Kaden asked the both of them. They were both silent and not making eye contact with him.

"So y'all deaf now?" I asked.

"You said they can't be here unless y'all here" Jayla smacked her lips mumbling.

"Exactly, so why the fuck were they here?" He asked.

"Because... I don't know" Kayla shrugged. "We were bored"

"Well get used to being bored, because your grounded for a month"

"Bruh we finna be 18 and still getting grounded" Kayla mumbled.

"Just shut up Kayla" Jayla sighed to her.

Kaden was about to go off, so I just told him to let her comment go. "Okay, come on. I wanna have a movie night" I got up.

Jayla opened the door and Layla walked in. "Hey everybody, oh hi y'all. How was the trip?" She walked over to us.


"Go" I laughed to my momma. She looked around the store before pouring some soap on the floor and taking her sandals off.

We all got our phones out and started to record. Keionna played the song and she started running on the soap. She lasted about 6 seconds before falling.

"Oh shit" Layla laughed jumping.

"Help me up" momma laughed trying to get up, but she kept slipping. I would've went, but I was dying.

Kayla laughed and walked over to her, not stepping in the soap and reached her hand out. Momma grabbed it and pulled Kayla in making her try and keep her balance.

Me, Layla, and Keionna were cracking up. "Momma you play too much" Kayla laughed grabbing onto a rack.

Bad idea

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