Chapter 18

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Unser arrived at the clubhouse walked in and seen Chibs more than half toasted, the others watching him, knowing they knew when to stop him and put him to bed. Unser is thinking this is not a good time to talk to him, but there would be no better, he'd be pissed drunk or sober.

Opie was sitting next to him and when he looked up to see Unser in the building, got up to give Unser his seat, they knew Unser knew something.

Unser sat next to Chibs, Chibs took another drink, looked at Unser, "Get her out of there tonight"

"Wish I could son, wish I could"

Chibs took another drink as one was handed to Unser by Jax.

"She's going to be ok son, I just left her, she is strong and said to tell you 'She ain't said one peep'. She is remaining quiet and not talking to Stahl and Stahl is pissed off"

"I want her out of there tonight, do you understand me"?

Jax hung his head he knew she wasn't coming out tonight, they all did.

And they were all somewhat happy she wasn't saying anything smart to Stahl. All still wondering how she was doing a silent treatment, they'd never seen her do that before.

Chibs remained silent a moment, "Chibs, she requested clean clothes, I need your key and Jax call Gemma to go with me to her house and get them, I got no idea how to get a woman clothes" "Chibs, I'm doing what I can"

Unser looked up at Jax after he got off the phone with Gemma, "Did any of you tell her about Otto taking a beating yesterday"

Again, Jax hung his head "No, we were waiting for him to get better because we didn't want her to see how bad he was" "Why"?

"Stahl showed her a picture of him and told her"

Chibs slammed down his glass and started pacing then turned to Unser, "I want her out of there tonight"!

Gemma walked in, she had seen Chibs upset before, she only walked up to him and hugged him, she finally whispered, "Chibs, she will be ok, she is a strong woman, remember who her parents are, she will be ok" As she continued to hold him, "Give me your key and get some sleep, she will be ok" He handed her his key and went back to the bar, he wasn't drunk enough to sleep without her yet.

Unser and Gemma went to her house and got her clothes. They talked.


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