Chapter 13

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Savannah and Chibs went by to see Gemma and Clay that evening as they got back. Told them what they discussed with Otto, Gemma and Savannah into the kitchen as Chibs and Clay went outside, more Club talk, and Savannah was sure it had to do more with what Otto told him when they were alone. Protect the women, good grief she thought but let it go.

When they arrived home that night Chibs called in dinner as she wasn't in a mood to cook but needed rest tonight. Cuddled on the sofa and Chibs left his boots by the door this time. They ate chinese and watched a movie then to bed.

Gemma had told them she was having a dinner party the next night. Savannah remembered the last dinner party and wasn't too excited about this one. She told Chibs her feelings about it, he reassured her it would all be fine, things were slowing down with the club right now, they only had an ATF bitch bugging them and a dinner party was all good for them, they needed a few happy times to relax so Savannah excepted that.

That next morning she had finished her book and printed it out and laid it on the coffee table, she would later go back to read it and put red ink marks on it and then corrections before calling her publicist. She then went to make Chibs coffee and had a shower waiting on him to wake up. He did and she then told him she was heading out shopping with Donna and Tara for something to wear tonight. He kissed her bye and off she went.

He sat on the sofa with his coffee and seen the papers all printed out, he picked it up and began reading it.

When Savannah arrived home she noted Chibs on the sofa reading her printed book, she smiled, it was the first one she had ever seen him read, she hoped he liked it. She went over and kissed him. He looked up at her and said, "who the hell did it"?

"Keep reading my love, keep reading" and he did.

Later that evening after she had her bath and he his shower and both ready to head to Gemma's for dinner she was putting on the final touches of her makeup when he came in with her book, "Savannah, where does this stuff come from"? "How in the world do you think like this and make it all seem so real as if your there when it's happening"?

"Talent Scotty, Talent" "I work hard for that talent" "What did you think of it now that you've read it"

"Amazing, and I want to throw you on the bed and have you after reading the mature sections, my God woman"!

She laughed at him, "Talent, and after the dinner party I can let you show me your talent" continuing to laugh at him.

She stood up and did a complete circle so he could approve of her choice of dress for the night.

"Dressed like that after reading your book, you are one fortunate woman that I let you off the bed for 5 minutes, now to the bike my lass."

He shook his head and off to the party they went.

The party was a blast, she had so much fun talking to everyone and seeing they all seemed much more relaxed tonight then they had been lately. Laughter filled the night. It was getting late for the kids and Donna was getting ready to take them home, Her and Opie were talking then she came over to Savannah, "Hugs bye my love" Donna hugging her, "I've got errands to run and Opie is taking the kids home, I'll see you soon". Savannah hugged her too, "Love you girlfriend, I'll go with you to kiss the babes before Opie sweeps them off to the car" And she did go to give Ellie and Kenny their hugs and kisses and told them she'd see them soon. She helped Opie get them settled in the car as Donna left in the truck smiling at her, Opie and the kids as she drove off.

As her and Chibs were preparing to leave, Savannah will never remember how she heard that Donna was dead and on the back of Chibs bike and at the crime scene. But when she arrived she seen Opie down on the ground holding Donna and a mess of blood and tears. Chibs heart broke seeing it, and he tried holding Savannah back and her from seeing it, but too late, She had walked over and was holding Opie as he held Donna. "Donna" he cried. Tears fell from Savannah, she knew his heart would never heal from this, and who the hell shot Donna. Jax came and him and Chibs went to Opie and Savannah so the EMT's could take Donna away. It was not an easy task as they all cried with Opie. Opie lost his wife, their children lost their mother and Savannah, one of her best friends and Jax's best friend was a mess. What has come to their club?

Chibs was able to get Savannah home reassuring her that Opie was with his dad and mom and they needed to be alone tonight, that he would take her to see him tomorrow. He put her to bed grieving with her, her loss and heartache. Was enough not enough he thought as he held her while she fell asleep.

Savannah assisted Opie into planning Donna's funeral with Gemma's help. She had also taken Opies children, Ellie and Kenny home with her as Opies was a mess and not doing well with them, Piney had no idea how to handle Opie let alone his own grandchildren. Savannah took charge of them and Chibs approved. He helped her get the spare bedroom ready for them.

Chibs also had prospect Ratboy put outside their house when he wasn't there to protect not only Savannah but the children as well. He had an idea on Donna's death but he needed her and the children protected no matter what.

A few days after Donna's funeral Chibs came home late and sent Ratboy to the sofa to get some sleep as they would both be in the house with Savannah and the kids. He went to look in on the kids before heading to his and Savannahs room to bed knowing he find her there. As he looked in on them he seen Kenny was asleep on the bed covered but Savannah and Ellie were still laying there talking, their backs were to him and they didn't know he was watching them.

He stood and listened.

Savannah had just told Ellie about the fairies who lived outside their home hoping to sooth her with fairy tales. Ellie asked her then, "Why did my mom die"

"Baby girl, only God knows why and he had his reasons which sometimes we never learn, but God only gives us what he knows we can handle, and gives us time on earth to do what we must then he takes us to his home." "I can assure you she is looking down on you with a smile knowing you are ok and she is praying to God who is standing with her that you will grow to be a strong woman as she was and follow your dreams as she did and to find a love for a man as she did and have beautiful children" "She loved you and still does my Ellie, and she will always see you" "God put a new star in the sky the night he took her to her new home with him, a star is a hole in heaven that he gives you and her so that she can look down and see you and Kenny and a star that you can look up to each night and talk to her, only you will know what star in the sky is hers, she will always listen to you and always see you, her answers you will always find in your heart as that is where she will put them for you"

She hugged Ellie tighter, knowing only too recently her pain she is feeling. Chibs had tears hearing Savannah's story to Ellie. How she was so strong when she needed to be and how he held her when she was weakest. She was his strongest weakness.

Ellie continued, "Do you ever see the fairies"

"I do, mostly when I am outside hanging up laundry and let my mind flow free of all the sad things we live with." "You will see them when you open your heart and you relax and chose to see happiness and not a saddened world" "They are beautiful to watch and will also bring you messages from your mom and much joy in life"

Ellie finally fell asleep, Savannah hoping her to have sweet dreams as Chibs walked in and she reached for him as he picked her up, took her to their room and she fell asleep crying on his shoulder. He had to be strong for her now. She would be a perfect mother he thought as he held her not letting go of her this night.

  She would be a perfect mother he thought as he held her not letting go of her this night

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