Chapter 21

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Chibs woke up later that afternoon, a blanket pulled over him, he thought he woke to a child screaming, he listened, he did, he jumped out of bed and ran to the back door. When he looked out he seen Ellie and Kenny running in water jets in the backyard and so was Savannah with Able in her arms under a sling, all of them laughing and running in the water having fun. He seen Quinn sitting on the patio watching them. Ok a sign of relief. And to see her having fun, it amazed him. He went back in poured a cup of coffee, went back out and lit a cigarette. He was leaning against a pole on the patio, barefoot and shirtless watching them. He needed many more days like this.

He heard a bike pull in, he was sure it was Jax. Jax walked up beside him smiling at seeing the 4 of them running in the water. Soak and wet from heads to toes and all of them laughing, both men could hear Able giggling too as Savannah was playing with him in the water and he wet as could be.

Savannah looked over and seen Chibs and Jax standing there watching them, she yelled at the kids, "Look Uncle Chibs, Uncle Quinn and Uncle Jax, and they are dry"! And went running to them as Chibs set his coffee cup down and seen it coming. Kenny ran to Chibs and tackled him as Chibs tossed him to the ground and they rolled in the wet grass. Ellie joined them. Then he got back up wet too now and went with Savannah back over to Jax and Quinn. Ellie and Kenny went back to the water running.

Savannah pulled Able out of the sling, handed him to Jax, "He's wet daddy, needs dried off and I think he might be wore out enough for a nap". Jax picked him up over his head, "Aunty Anna wore you down for a nap, come on, let's get you changed and a bottle, later Aunty Anna" taking him in the house.

Savannah tossed herself in Chibs arms and kissed him, "We've got the kids for a while". "I went to Pineys to see them, he's wore out from them, Opie still not got his shit together and I can't leave the kids like that so I packed their bags and brought them here" "Your going to have to be Uncle Chibs for a while with kids in the house".

"Kids are good. They are good for you. I can live with it." smiling down on her kissing her back. "You're so good with them, they need you now" kissing her again.

She seen Quinn go in the house, she just knew he was going to fix dinner for them. "You might want to go help Quinn fix lunch, I'm going to stay out here and play more"

"Aye, I'll see what mess he wants me to make" and went in laughing, kids in the house, fixing lunch, this ought to be fun, but he wouldn't have it any other way seeing Savannah laugh and smile.

She laid out a blanket on the ground and later when Chibs was carrying out lunch he seen her and Ellie laying on the blanket pointing to the clouds in the sky, he loved watching her, her youth, her happy. Kenny was still running like an airplane in the water. It's as if when they are here they forget they are sad, it's beautiful for him to see.

"Lunch is ready" Chibs yells.

He stayed home and played with the kids all day, he enjoyed this day seeing them all have so much fun, but he was wore out more now than he was working in the garage or with the Club all day.


A few weeks passed and Ellie and Kenny were still with them. Chibs didn't mind, he enjoyed helping Kenny out with getting ready for school in the morning and watching cartoon with him and helping him to bed at night. Ellie was another story, he didn't know that girl stuff but Savannah was enjoying her niece and being with her, and having fun teaching her how to cook and do girl things, Chibs and Kenny avoided that.  Chibs tried to avoid homework when he was home but somehow got roped into it more times than not.

Chibs was watching Avengers with Kenny when his phone rang. He was into this part of the movie too, Savannah got up and went to lay Able down as Tara was working nights and was giving Jax a night off. Chibs took the call on the patio as he usually did when the kids were in the house. After he hung up he went straight in to Savannah, she was tucking Able in and turned to him, "Gotta go love"? A usual thing lately.

"Come outside Savannah" She noted a different look on his face and she followed him and checked to see Ellie and Kenny were still engrossed into their show. Once outside,

He looked at Savannah, "Opie just shot Clay, Clays in the hospital and Bobby and Tig have Opie. I gotta go babe"

"Oh, well, seems Opie finally has his shit together" Savannah said smerkily


"No Chibs I mean that, Bastard should be dead. He called the hit on Opie and Donna died, Opie owed him that, and now you and I have their children. Let Clay die, fuck him Chibs" "And he is the one reason you all don't have this gun shit and everything dealt with, let him die" "Gemma can do so much better with him dead" "Bastard"

Shaking his head, "Savannah, I've got to go, I gotta go see Opie and Jax" he kissed her and walked off. She was right but to hear it outloud.

Chibs didn't get home that night, nothing unusual there either lately. She took the kids to school then went to see Tara to get her take on all of this. She met up with her at the clubhouse and were walking in when Savannah seen a hot blonde hanging over Chibs, she heard him tell her 'no' but the bitch didn't listen. She took Tara's arm and stopped her to watch, no one seen them walk in. She then heard Chibs tell her 'no' again, but it was obvious she didn't understand the english language. Tara said to Savannah, "Same bimbo that tried to get Jax into bed many times, bitch won't quit"

"Well today is her last day in the clubhouse or it's property" "Hold my beer girlfriend" Savannah said in one of her don't fuck with me tones. Tara smiled and watched.

Savannah in a huff walked over behind Ima, Chibs didn't see it coming, Savannah put her boot to Ima's stilettos kicked her feet out from under her, grabbed the back of her head of hair and slammed her face down on the bar and seen blood, lots of it. Ima looking at her with her face plastered to the bar, "That's what 'no' means in plain english you stupid bimbo, he's my old man and you don't touch him ever again and you are to leave this property and you are never in your life welcome back, cause if you do, I'll shoot your ass, now leave bitch" and let go of her head as Chibs just looked at Savannah as Savannah watched Ima go for the door.

Savannah looked over at Chibs, "You all gotta have women come in and sweep up your messes, not enough to do it at home, but here too" with her hands on her hips looking directly at him. He still hadn't found his voice but loved his little mighty witchy woman.

Happy came from around the bar, walked up to Savannah, gave her a hug, "I love you so much" and then kissed her on the lips while just Chibs watched.

She then looked at Chibs, "And that's the kind of thank you, you should have given me" "I still might trade you in"

He got up, and before she seen what was coming he threw her over his shoulder and was walking back to his apartment. She shouted, "Tara, I'll be right back, he may be wanting to thank me now" "He has his own way of doing things, gotta love him" They were all laughing as was Savannah, she had sharpened her tongue again.

After Chibs had finished thanking his little witchy woman and was shaking his clothes back in order, "Savannah, you and Tara need to go see Gemma, things are not good with her"

"No shit, Opie shot Clay" "So" "Tara and I were going to go see her but I wanted Tara's take first" "Jax did tell her Opie done it right"

"Aye he did, but Clay beat the hell out of Gemma last night before Opie got there, she's hurt pretty bad, Jax is with her and we were all headed back over there" "Jax took Clays president patch from him when he seen Gemma's face"

"Oh for fucks sakes, that bastard should be dead" "Tara and I will meet you there then" she reached up kissed him and went out to get Tara to update her, but seems Happy had done that, they went to Savannah's jeep and off to see Gemma.

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