Chapter 1

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I looked down at my apple watch to check the time for the 600th time that day and saw a new text notification.

Sophie: Penny!!! 5.more.minutes.of.this.TORTURE.

I tried to hide my sly smile as I directed my attention back to Ryan from HR flipping to the conclusion slide of the presentation. When a presentation has 200 slides, that is 180 slides TOO many. My final day of confidentiality training was almost over and if I did not understand the importance of keeping our clients private by now, I was officially an idiot. HR had spent 3 days using scare-tactics (of being fired and blackballed in the industry) to drill the importance of confidentiality, NDA's, CDA's, and SA's that Sophie and I were actually a little scared to slip up. Sophie was my roommate and the only other recent hire at ReALity Agency, a talent agency for musicians and comedians (started by a man named Al, hence, the bolded AL). It was a new, up-and-coming agency in Atlanta, Georgia that "Makes Dreams Become a Reality for Employees and Clients." Truly, the most creative company to work for. Also, the only company that showed interest in hiring me.

It was not my top choice, but considering my dream job as an author was currently on hold because I had not written my first book, this position as social media specialist would be great for now. Growing up as a 90's kid, I knew the ins and outs of every social media app and was the first to catch onto the trends on twitter, instagram, snapchat, etc. With my recent breakup, I had too much free time on my hands. Time that I used to creep on my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend instead of doing something productive.

The job also paid well, had great benefits, and a quaint office atmosphere. I knew a little too much about everyone after just three days since there were only 10 people to talk to in the office. But I liked it better that way. After having an internship at an industry-leading insurance company, I knew I wanted to work at a small company in the future. I spent 16 weeks at a company where the only people that bothered to learn my name were fellow interns. I did not want to get swept under the rug again. I want people to know my name and the work that I contribute to the company. And boy did the world have a funny way of getting my name out there...because as soon as Sophie and I exited the conference room that afternoon, I ran into a little someone named Harry Styles.

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