Important!!! A/N

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So quick story and this is why I might not write for a while after i publish the next chapter on my other story called 'Glorie' (Go check it out!!)

A few days ago at night I found myself breaking out a little in hives.  I didn't think anything of it cuz I have only broken out in hives once before.  Anyhow, I didn't tell anyone and I went to school the next day.  During school, it got worse and I still didn't tell anyone bc I am a complete idiot and I didn't know what was going on.  I when to Science Olympiad after school and the hive continued to spread across my body.  It happen all throughout my choir practice as well. Then I went to another school event (I was busy OK?) and my left eye started to swell up.  Then towards the end my face started to break out in hives.  My dad picked up me and my brother and I didn't tell him.  I waited to talk to my mom, and when I told her she was obviously trying not to freak out.

She looked at me and gave me some medicine and then turned to my dad who was also in the room. 

"Take her to the Emergency room."

I looked at her and was like .... What? excuse me?

It was around nine thirty when we left.  In the car, I felt my throat and tongue getting hot, which means that they would start swelling and my throat would close.  I could have died.  Luckily, when we got their, it started to go down and I wasn't as itchy as before.  The doctor questioned me and I was fine, but she prescribed two doses of steroids and some benadryl.

And she wanted me to get an epipen. 

So, in conclusion, I'm fine, but now I am allergic to some unknown ... thing and I still don't have an epipen. 

I'm fine tho, and that's my reason for not updating last night and in future nights.

Thanks for the reads and the vote from @amypingu!!!

~ Meme Lord

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