Actually The Oneshot

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HAHAH this is the actual one

Rich looked up, hearing the front door slam shut. He heard footsteps quietly walk up the stairs to his room. His boyfriend walked into the room, his hoodie over his face. Rich raised an eyebrow as Eric laid down, facing away from him. That wasn't a good sign.

"Yeah?" was his quiet reply
"Look at me. What's wrong?" Rich said to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Eric shook his head, still facing away.
Rich frowned. It wasn't like Eric to keep secrets, or to face away from him. Normally, their routine would go like this:

Eric walked home, quickly going up the stairs, a small smile on his face. His hoodie was off so you could see his smile on his face. He opened the door quietly, spotting Rich by the desk doing his school homework. Eric went over to Rich and slung his arms around Rich, hugging him and resting his chin on Rich's shoulder.

Rich smiled softly when he felt Eric kissed his neck slightly. "Hi~" Eric mumbled into his ear. Rich turned to face Eric, smirking slightly. "Hello, baby~" Rich said back to him, his boyfriend blushing from the petname
Eric may have been a former Squip and a supercomputer with magical kisses, but he will blush from pet names.

But that wasn't what happened.
Rich narrowed his eyes when Eric didn't move, and he pulled his shoulder slightly so Eric faced him. Eric's electric blue eyes didn't meet Rich's own.
Rich let out a gasp at what he saw.
There was a burn across his face. Eric kept his eyes fixated to the ground, not moving. Rich said calmly, coldly, "Who did this?"
Eric didn't say anything.
"TELL ME, ERIC!" Rich shouted, banging his fist against the wall.

Eric flinched, before murmuring "It was Jared... I snapped and shouted at Evan..." He said quietly 

Eric didn't meet Rich's eyes. Rich didn't reply for a long time. When Eric finally looked up timidly, Rich had a knife in his hands. Eric's eyes widened.

"If anyone lays a hand on you, I swear to god I'll cut their arm off. Heh, just like you did to J.D!" Rich said, twirling the knife in his hand.

Eric flinched as he was sent into a flashback when he couldn't control himself. He remembered when he ripped off J.D's arm, all the blood, all the madness he felt-
It was too much. Eric started breathing quickly, pulling his knees into his chest. "O-oh god... N-n-no..."
Rich, all signs of possessiveness and anger gone, threw the knife back, moving closer to comfort his boyfriend as he realised his mistake.
"Hey, Eric, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to set you off into a panic attack. Baby boy, you're okay... Shhh..." he moved closer to him, to calm him, murmuring soothing words to Eric.

"N-NO!!" Eric's hand shot out, hitting Rich in the chest, and because of superhuman strength, sent him flying across the room. Rich landed with a grunt, his back hitting the wall. Eric's eyes widened as he rushed over to Rich.

"RICH! RICH, OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO-" Eric was cut off by Rich's laughter. Eric stopped, and looked at his boyfriend.

"Heheh, babe, it's okay, you don't need to, heh, apologize so much, baby." Rich said, calling Eric by pet names. At the pet names, Eric blushed furiously and looked down, covering his face. Rich gently took ahold of Eric's wrists and pulled them down. "Let me see your beautiful face, sweetie." Eric blushed even more, but let Rich see his blushing red face. 

Rich chuckled softly and leaned in, kissing him gently all over his face. Eric smiled slightly as Rich kept pecking little kisses around his face. Eric eventually moved closer to Rich, who held him tightly in his arms. Rich's eyes flared a deep crimson for a moment and his arms wrapped around Eric tighter, possessively and territorial. 

Eric loved every moment of it.

Too bad he couldn't say the same for when Rich started killing.

Erich OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now