Eric Wants Ramen - More Flufffffff

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Just changing it up from Chinese to Ramen/Japanese food. 

Because Eric is Person A and he likes his ramen (and his Rich)

eh lol i'm writing this in class because math s u c c s (this ain't edited like usual)

Also tad bit of possessive!Rich

Eric was in his cocky lil bastard mood today. He had been chatting online with some of his hacker friends and he might've gotten super bored and hacked into Madeline's Instagram account and leaked some of her secrets, like how she had slept with a teacher just to get some good grades. He grinned, knowing that Chloe and Jenna would inhale all this gossip up. 

He leaned back in his wheelie chair, currently playing online multiplayer games using a voice chat.

"I told you, you have to get the red treasure chest, not the blue!"

That was one of his friends, maplesyrrup, to be exact. She yelled in fury into her mic as another player, SPANISHcynd, went and collected the blue chest. Eric just chuckled softly. He moved his character around to get the correct chest and he heard maplesyrrup sigh in relief.

"THANK YOU TICTAC!" She said. Eric grinned, loving his online name,


He was rather proud of it. After a half an hour more of gaming, Eric logged off and switched off his voice chat. His computer dinged from a message. He checked it. It was from Rich.

<3333 Rich: babe if x times y equals 56, what is x plus y times y? and x is the bigger number.

Eric rolled his eyes, swiftly typing a reply.

Property_Of_Rich: If you can't figure this out, Rich, you won't be able to succeed in life. 🙄

A few moments later, a new text popped up.

<3333 Rich: baby pls tell me the answer. unless you aren't the super smart former supercomputer that was made of math.

Eric narrowed his eyes, unable to resist the challenge.


<3333 Rich: :D Thanks baby

Eric sighed, leaning back.

An hour later, Rich returned from school, a wide smile of his face.

"I passed my math test!!" He said, grinning at Eric. Eric gave a small smile in return. "Only because I gave you the answer to the third to last question."

"Yeah-wait, how did you know it was the third to last question?!"

"I figured, that the time you sent it to me, based off your average time for completing such tests, you would be on that question." Eric stated as Rich walked over to him and sat down next to him. "You're soooo smart~" Rich murmured to him, earning a blush in return.

An idea popped into Eric's head and he gave a small, cute but sexy smirk as he sauntered over to Rich slowly, humming lowly. Rich's face started to redden with blush as Eric came closer.

Eric slowly traced his finger under Rich's jaw, smirking even more as Rich leaned closer, to kiss him. Eric moved past his lips, so his lips were touching Rich's ear. 

Then, in a hot and quiet whisper, he said,

"I think we should have ramen for dinner, Rich~"

Before leaning back to his previous position. He watched in pure amusement as Rich's face when from blushing and flustered, to shocked and surprised, to realisation and slight annoyance.

"Oh, for the love of god, Eric-"

Rich grabbed a pillow and whacked Eric with it playfully. Eric burst out laughing and giggling as Rich kept whacking him. What became worse, is that Rich started tickling Eric, who giggling uncontrollably.

"RICH!" His boyfriend cried out helplessly between laughs and squirming. Rich had now pinned Eric to the bed and was tickling his sides. As he stopped tickling Eric, and as Eric slowly calmed down, breathing heavily, his eyes darted up, realising how basically Rich was straddling him. His face erupted pink in blush as Rich leaned down and kissed his lips softly.

"Only because you helped me pass with my maths." Rich mumbled against his tic tac's lips, before starting to move off. Eric grabbed his arm, eyes pleading him to stay. Rich gave a small smile and moved slightly off of Eric, pulling him up and into his chest, holding him protectively.

"I love you so so so so so much my sweet supercomputer." Rich murmured into Eric's ear, who smiled and said back,

"I love you more!"

Rich chuckled and held him closer. Eric closed his eyes, smiling as he felt Rich rest hi chin on the top of the soft black hair. Rich's eyes flashed red as his grip on Eric tightened and he let out an almost territorial growl. Eric shivered softly at the growl, but kept smiling. 

Yes, he sometimes loved Rich's possessive and dominant side. As long as no one was hurt, he thought it was okay.

TOo bad he didn't know that people were getting hurt and it was his boyfriend's fault.

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