Chapter 7

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Why did he come just to ruin it? Just like how he's ruined everything else in my life.

"What the hell Saiko, how did you know where I was?!" I asked. "Oh babe don't act like that" he cooed.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING BABE? YOU STILL DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION!" I yell, an irk appearing on my forehead. Everybody looks shocked. Probably because I'm not usually like this.

I'm a pretty level-headed person but when I see him it really pisses me off. "Well one of my workers saw you on the street, because I asked that he follow you, and low-key placed a tracking device on you" he said casually.


"Listen babe just give me another chance" he opened his arms, expecting a hug.


"But, you know I love you just as much as I love money" he smugly replied. "WOAHHHH HE MUST REALLY LOVE HER" Everyone mutters.

" do?" I started, knowing it's just another lie. "G-Go fuck yourself"

Damn it, quit sniffling Y/n! I can't cry, not in front of him!

"Don't cry babe, just say you'll be mine again, I mean, who wouldn't take this opportunity?" he asked.

"ME! NOW GET LOST!" I yell while storming off.

"Huh wonder what's the matter with her? Well she'll come to her senses, and until she does I'll stay at the beach with you broke saps" I heard behind me. Everyone groans after hearing that.

Good grief L/n. She's getting the attention of minor characters.

Saiko's really getting on my nerves making L/n upset like that, I don't know why but, it made me mad. Now I feel bad, I could've done something but instead she stormed off somewhere.

But I can use clairvoyance to find her.

She climbed to the top of some random palm tree.... Ugh I guess I'll teleport. I walk to the bathroom, unnoticed and duck into a stall. I teleport to the top of the tree that L/n's on.

"I can't cry over him...ah, who am I kidding? He deserves better than me..." Hearing that made me sad honestly. I actually don't know how their relationship ended anyway.

"Hey L/n what's wrong?" I ask, shuffling around behind the palm leaves.

"Gahhh!" L/n screamed as she fell out of the tree.

Are you serious right now?

"I'll get you" I groan while I hang, one arm gripping onto a branch of the tree, the other grabbing her bridal style. "U-Uhm sorry Saiki" she stuttered while blushing red. "No problem" I say while lifting is both up to sit onto a sturdier branch, turning away.

My stomach felt weird but I just shrugged it off. "So what's wrong?" I ask again while I set her down next to me.

"Oh yeah......well while we were dating, he transferred to your school from our private academy and asked Teruhashi to "be his girl" but then got rejected and came back to me as though nothing happened..."

"All he wants is the "perfect" girl so when he thought I wasn't good enough and Teruhashi was better..I broke up with him so uh. S-So that he could have someone better" she said the last part in a hushed whisper but I still heard.

How could it get any better than L/n?

She's self deprecating. If he cheated on he, she shouldn't be thinking about what's wrong with her, he should be thinking what's wrong with him. Maybe she's just too nice for those kinds of thoughts.

"Well L/n maybe you're too good for him

"Ya think so Saiki?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "Yeah"

"Hm t-thanks but I'm not special" she said shaking head.

"I think you're pretty cool" I felt odd after saying that so I changed the topic.

"Well time to go" I said while grabbing her hand and teleporting to behind the bathrooms. We walked out from behind the bathrooms, still holding hands and to my "delight" everybody was just looking in our direction, even Saiko.

"What are you doing unhand my fair Y/n!" Saiko screeched.

Y/n twitched her eye and almost immediately responded.

"NO! Let's get some things straight! ONE I'm not 'YOUR' ANYTHING! TWO! I can hold anyone's hand I want!" L/n yelled at Saiko while holding our hands up, waving them around angrily.

Teruhashi starts glaring daggers at L/n. "Whatever, you know you want me you're just in denial, so I'll stay until you realize your mistake" Saiko rolled his eyes.

Takahashi came out of nowhere and just yelled. "We should take a swim! GIRLS~ you should hurry and get ready!"

Ugh pervy bastard.

I facepalmed. "Uhm...kay then" L/n squeaks while walking to the female bathroom to change.



Teruhashi walks out of the bathroom first.

She got about four gasps from the beach perverts.

Yumehara walks out following.

Nobody really had anything positive to say about her, as always.

Mera walks out looking rather confused.

Mera got some traction and some males conversed about how hot she looked.

L/n walked out, throwing her hands over her top half.

Naturally, Y/n being more attractive than her, Y/n got eight gasps.


WHaaaaaaa why did L/n get four more oh wow's than me!

And she came from behind the bathroom with Saiki, so what were they doing behind there?! And why was she holding their hands in the air as if it was a trophy. Hmmph......maybe she is better than me.....


Perfect II Saiki Kusuo x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now