Tell me (UmB)

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It's been awhile since Sinb started to ignore me or should I say she started to distance herself.
Yes, I know we are busy because of our schedule here in korea and in japan but that's not enough reason for her to keep on ignoring me. When we arrive at night from some schedules, she always went straight to the bathroom and after that she will sleep without talking to me and it's not normal cause before we always wash our faces together. I already think if I made something wrong but I can't of think anything.

"Yah...Yah..." I snap from my thought because of someones shouting infront of me.

"Are you okay? Are you sick?" Yuju unnie asked and touch my forehead.

"You're not, but why are you spacing out?" She sit beside me in the couch and the others follow also with snacks in their hand cause we will watch movie except Sinb whose still sleeping.

"What's the matter Umji~ah?" Yuju unnie asked again.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking of something." I said and pick a snack from her plate.

"Something or someone?" Sowon unnie asked and I cough so Yuju unnie gave me a water.

"Tsk. Straight forward?" I said and chuckled.

"But, did you sense that something is wrong with Sinb?" I asked them.

"Nothing change with Sinb except the awkwardness between you two." They all said in unison and they all laugh also.

"I didn't know that you guys are also thinking what I'm thinking." Yerin unnie commented and laugh again.

"But Umji~ah, is there something wrong between the two of you?" Eunha unnie asked and I shook my head.

"For me there's nothing wrong but she suddenly ignore me and I don't know why." I answered them.

"Maybe she has a reason cause we see that she act normal to us but we don't see you talk or bond with each other behind the camera." Sowon unnie said and looked at me with concern.

"Don't worry Umji~ah, we will help you solve this problem." Eunha unnie said and I snuggle myself to her.


We just finish our practice and I decided to remain in the practice room and the others went home already.

I stand infront of the mirror and close my eyes to refresh my mind.

"You know that avoiding her is not a good decision whatever it is that you are trying to avoid." I furrowed my eyebrows upon hearing it.

"What do you mean unnie?" I open my eyes and looked at her.

"You keep on avoiding Umji for I don't know why, but I can see in your eyes when you are looking at her that you are hurt. What really happened between you two?"

"Nothing. I'm just concentrating for our next japan single." I avoided her gaze.

"Sinb~ah... I'm here, we're here if you have a problem, you can always tell us."

"I'm okay, Yuju unnie. Thanks for your concern."

"I don't want to force you to tell it to me but I think we have the same problem and what you are doing will only lead to some misunderstandings." She said and I look at her.

"Don't get me wrong but I've been observing you since last week and I can see how you look at her with love and eventually hurt." I looked at her with still furrowed eyebrows.

"Yah... Stop looking at me like that and sit beside me if you want to hear a story."

"Tsk. Fine." I said and sit beside her and we are facing the door so that we are aware if someone went in.

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