Not Funny.

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It's the first day of April and I got a bad news that Sinb is getting married without me knowing it.

Sowon unnie called me 20 minutes ago that they are at this specific place where Sinb's marriage is gonna held.
Ofcourse I can't just stay on my bed and wait for my 3 year in a relationship girlfriend get married. So without changing my pjs, putting makeup and fixing myself I run on my car and drive it as fast as I can to arrive on that church.

When I arrived, I immediately run to the door and there I saw the Priest and a girl and a boy infront of him. I shout, STOP, YOU CAN'T MARRY HIM. Then all eyes on me and Sin... WHAT??????????
She's not Sinb...
I heard voices who are laughing and saw my 4 bestfriends and my girlfriend laughing their ass.

"SHIT" I curse and apologize.

"Sorry wrong wedding." I said and run to my car. Before I open my car someone hold my wrist while laughing.It's Sinb.

"HAPPY APRIL FOOLS." they all said.

"F**K. YOU ALL THINK THIS IS FUNNY? WELL IT'S NOT. I ALMOST RUINED A MARRIAGE AND ALMOST GOT TO AN ACCIDENT WHILE COMING HERE BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID JOKE THAT YOU ARE PLAYING." thats it. I burst out. I'm angry. I hate them. This is not funny. Why they think this kind of joke. My tears keeps on falling.

"Babe, h-hey I'm sorry. I just want to make this memorable because I want to asked you this..." and the girls are holding words that say WILL YOU MARRY ME?. If this is in some kind of situation I might cry of happiness but guess what. I'm super duper angry because of them.

I smile at her and say YES.
She smiled and about to put the ring on my finger when I pull my hand and smile at her.

"Happy April Fools" I said and went in the car to go home, leaving them in shock.


SHIT. I thought it will be a happy ending but I think we went to far.

Months later and she's still not talking to us and I'm afraid that anytime now she will break up with me. Her video went viral but our managers take care of it and the five of us got punish and scolded by our CEO and managers.

"It's been months and she's still not talking to us. She will debut solo next months and I'm she will be busy that time and won't have time. What should I do?" I asked them.

" You need to talk to her first and we will apologize to." Sowon unnie said.

"How? We tried it already and she just ignore us." Eunha unnie said.

"Let's kidnap her." Yerin unnie suggested with serious face.

"That's crazy." I said. We're in this kind of situation because of our prank and now we're doing it again.

"That's right. This is the only thing that we can do to make her listen to us because she has no choose." Sowon unnie added.

"Let's bring her in our ware house near the Han River." Umji suggest.

We talk about our plan.

I went inside the car and got startled when all the girls are there and smiling like idiot.

"WHAT? Where is manage..." I got cut when sinb put a silk on my mouth and Yerin unnie and Umji hold my hand and put it at my back and tie it.
I tried to fight but I think they plan it.
After my hands they tie my feet also.

I look at Sinb who sit next to Sowon unnie who will drive the car.

"Sorry babe but this is our only choose to make you listen to us." Sinb said and I tried to talk.

"Iachsjsnhh... iajahgsgsgkajahs" i give up. They didn't understand. I stay silent until I fall asleep.

I woke up and I'm sitting on a chair and my hands are the only part of me that is being tied.

"You're awake." Yerin unnie said like she's really in character. I chuckled.

"You know what? You can untie me qnd I'll listen to all of you." I suggested.

"No Yuna, no one will catch up with you if you run." Sowon unnie said.

"As if I'm good in direction unnie." I said and make them think but still shake their heads.

"Okay. Babe we're really sorry that we went to far for our april fools prank b...but that proposal is really true. I'm not joking or pranking you. I just want my proposal to be memorable but I went too far." She said while looking on the floor. I look at her intently and saw how tears keeps on falling from her face.

"Hayst... Yes I got mad at you and I'm doing this to make all of you learn your lessons. It pissed me off and I even try to go leave the group because of that stupid prank. You can't just prank me that way. It can ruin someones life. You should always try to think first of those probability that might happen on your pranks. UNDERSTAND?" they all nod and I wanted to laugh because they all look like a child who's being scolded by their mother. They all kneel and bowing at me to say sorry.

"Stop it guys and just untie me. I already forgive you." I said and they all stand up except Sinb and Sowon unnie untie me. I hug them and went infront of kneeling Sinb.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Are you going to break up with me?" She said while looking on the floor while fidgetting.

"What if I say Yes?" I asked amused and she immediately look at me while tears are streaming down her face.

"I'll a...accept b... because I know that I do something unforgivable." She said while sobbing. I kneel down and kiss her lips. I bite her bottom lip before breaking the kiss and looked at her.

"Even if you make many stupid things I won't of breakinh up with you cause I love you so much that my angriness vanish after one day of that incident because I... LOVE... YOU...
I said and kiss her again  and this time she kiss back.

"Okay love birds. Let's go home now cause managers are texting me and asking where Yuna is." Sowon unnie said we all went back to the car.

It should be publish yesterday but internet connection is too slow. Hope you enjoy it. Happy April Fools Day.

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