Chapter one

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•Natsu's POV•

I am just heading out to work after eating breakfast with my girls, "bye Luce, I'm off to work."

"Ok have a good day."

I gave her a quick kiss and left for work. When I got to work Gray came running to me telling me that we have a case.
"What kind of case is it?" I said.

"It's a serial killer that's killing kids five and under," he said then I looked at him shocked.

"Gray, my daughter is five..." so many things are now racing through my mind like, what if he gets her or what if he kills her?

"Natsu? Hello? Earth to Natsu?"
Gray snapped me out of my thoughts.

"What Gray? I'm thinking," this is bad.

"You need to protect her then."

"She is at school with Lucy right now."

"Then she's fine"

"Well what are the clues? Did he kill somebody? Do we have a body? Evidence?" I was firing off questions at him.

"Jeez, yes we have a body, clues: he killed a 4 year old boy and as for evidence.. none."

"How about a name?"

"His name is...." everything seemed to go in slow motion for me now.. "Lucas Dragneel" Time for me stopped...

"T-that's my.. my nephew!!"

"We know that Natsu and that is why you're helping us. Can you call his parents?"

"Yeah, sure.." I dialled my brothers number and waited..

Come on, pick up!

It rang and rang then he picked up.

(Ok so 'N' is Natsu and 'N' is Nathan)

N: Nathan Dragneel

N: Nathan it's Natsu, I called to tell you that we found Lucas...

N: You did?! Where is he?! Is he ok?

N: he's dead. Nathan...

N: h-he's... dead? My son is... DEAD?!

N: yes and I'm sorry, it hit me hard too... just ask Gray..

N: I'm sorry.. *sob* I shouldn't blame you

N: hey don't cry. Look, I'm going to catch the bastard that killed Lucas alright?!

N: ok.. I trust you will.. anyways I have to go... thanks for telling me

N: no problem, bye

~the call ends~

~Nathan's POV~

"Lisanna! Come here for a minute.." she came running down the stairs with our daughter Cristina... oh god how will I tell her..

"What's wrong? Who was on the phone? Why are you crying?" She asked me.

"Natsu called.. they found Lucas.."

"That's great news! Why are you crying?"

"Lucas is dead... he was murdered.."

"What?!" She was shocked and then Cristina started to cry and she said.

"Little brother is dead..?"
That broke my heart.

"Yes sweetheart.. he is.." we then all started crying and we hugged each other for a long time.

That's all for now I hope you enjoy this book, I will try to update both of my books as much as possible and as soon as possible and try and make them longer, bye!
(Word count: 483)

He's FBI, and she's a Teacher (a nalu fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now