Chapter 14

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Blood, sweat And tears

3th person POV

The next day Jimin woke up, Yoongi was already downstairs making breakfast. Jimin was already begging again for permission. Yoongi raised one eyebrow while passing the breakfast.

"depends on what you're gonna do" he said. Jimin looked at him, "I won't cheat" he said. Yoongi turned around and faced Jimin.
"fine you can go, but don't het drunk or go with someone" Yoongi said. Jimin promised and reached his pinky out.

Yoongi accepted and shaked the pinky.

And so they spended all day together waiting for the night to arrive. And so eventually, the club was about to open in like an hour.
Jimin got dressed and Yoongi helped Jimin with packing his purse.

It was a small bag containing important things like his phone, charger, some money and just in case a small bottle off pepper spray. Yoongi gave Jimin the bottle and told him to use it by emergency.

Jimin nodded, smiled and gave him a kiss. "thanks hyung" he said. And so Yoongi saw the younger walking away to the nearby club.

And when Jimin was out of sight, Yoongi closed the door.


Yoongi POV

And there I was, all alone in the house. Immediately I got worried, my precious baby... All alone by himself in the big city. Who knows what could happen to him. The thoughts haunted my mind.

I really loved Jimin, I really do. He's my world, my universe.

Who knows what is happening with him now, who knows if he's in danger. Atleast he would call me, I hope he makes it safe.

I turned on the TV and tried to calm myself down.


Jimin POV

I was almost there, nothing happened much. I eventually arrived and got in line. I showed my ID card and got in. It was amazing, from the music to the decorations. It looked awesome, I didn't really mad befriends but I talked to some people.

The night went great, I loved the place. I didn't got drunk or go with someone so I was still safe.
I danced with alot of people on the dancefloor. Everything went great

But then... Something happened I wish never happened...


A group of criminals came in the building, they knocked down the security. I got scared and immediately hided somewhere. Everyone was terrified, so was I. Wanted to go home, I wished Yoongi was here to protect me.

He is strong and always protected me, I wish he was here now, I really needed him.


Pov Yoongi

I was still watching TV, looking at the clock hoping for Jimin to call me. I missed him and was worried so bad. And then my program got paused by emergency news.

"The new nightclub in Seoul and been terrorized by well known criminals. The police is on their way to get the criminals, the people are unharmed but terrified"

My eyes opened wide. "Jimin... NO!" I got tears in my eyes as I saw the blue-red lights in town. I got my keys and ran to my car and drove to the place. I tried to go there as fast as I can, fuck the speed my baby was in danger.

I parked my car and runned to the club. Then thank the lord, I saw Jimin running outside. He was alive! But covered in bruises and terrified. I stood at the either side of the road.

I yelled his name.




And there.. Right in front of me... Jimin got hit by a car. I ran quicker to him and checked his heart and breathing. He still was alive, he was just knocked out. I picked him up and with tears I shouted to the driver.  It were the police themselves.

"YOU ASSHOLES MY HUSBAND COULD HAVE DIED!" I yelled. One of them called an ambulance.
The police apologized. But it wasn't good for me...

Bruises wer debugger and blood was flowing out his body. The blame came on time and picked him up. I got in the car and drove to the hospital. The rest of the people were unharmed and the criminals finnaly got arrested.

I sat there in the ambulance, a nurse told me to stay strong, he was still alive. I was crying, I knew I shouldn't let Jimin go... But if I didn't.. He would probably hate me and say that I treat him like a child.

But all I want is to protect him. I was scared that he would say that people are right.. That I'm... Possessive..

I tried to stay calm, I heard Jimin's breath. I don't know what it was, but I could feel and hear Jimin, no matter where he is.

Later Jimin got taken to the emergency room. A doctor rook me in his office and we talked about what happened. I sat waiting in the waiting room close to Jimin's room.

I got my phone out and looked at my pictures of me and Jimin. He looked so happy, but not by the accident. I saw tears and fear.
I was scared, what if Jimin didn't make it?

Later Yoongi saw some nurses with a bed riding in the room. It was Jimin. I wasted to follow them but I couldn't enter yet.

I got stopped by a nurse, she had good news. Jimin was okay and I could come in when he was awake.
I was still scared.

What if he didn't woke up? What if he wasn't there with me anymore?

I looked down, waiting for the time to fly. It was already 1 am in the morning. I was still there waiting. And then...

"sir, you can come in"

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