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Bonnie's POV

"Welcome back Bonnie," Benz said to me as he sat in his usual seat in next to me. "Whatever, they should've just expelled me," I spoke. "Why? All you did was fight Chanel," he said. "I also pulled a blade out and got caught, but whatever," I shrugged.

"Oh damn, nobody knew about all of that," he said. "Because its none of their business," I responded, "why did you free Che..." "she deserves to be free from that bullshit, I tried to help her escape a few times, I always try at a wrong time, but don't speak of it," he quickly said as he cut me off. I nodded. "Do they know?" I asked. "yea, they trying to look for her. I hope she left the state." He explained. "I ran into her at the mall yesterday, she explained everything to us and Jahseh told her to stay, but she's safe. Jahseh has a bodyguard for her," I explained and he nodded. "Just make sure she doesn't get caught, you don't know what my brother is capable of," he said.

"I can tell you the truth about Devin," I spoke, he immediately shot his head up at me. "You knew my brother?" He asked me. "Yea, I was at the same Detention Hall with him, plus he was my boyfriend," I stated. "What happened?" He asked. "He planned to escape and asked me to come along with him. He almost made it, but the guards shot him and he told me to run. Never seen anyone I love die right in front of my face," I said as I put my head down.

"I guess we both lost someone special to us," he said as he rubbed my back making sure I was ok. Wow being around Jahseh has changed me so much, I've never felt this emotional before, I'm only like this when I'm with Kaden when we're in the abandon house smoking or something. "Never really knew you had this side of you," he said. I looked up at him, "I mean the emotional side was always there, I just try to hide it and act tough around others," I shared. "I can relate, plus Devin was the same way. You'll only see the broken side when he wants you to see that side." He spoke. "Yea, he let me see that side of him before," I replied.

"I really never knew y'all were related, this world is so fucking small," I said and he chuckled. "Yea," he shrugged. "How come your so nice to us? Aren't you supposed be our enemy?" I asked. "Julio's problems has nothing to do with me, plus I have no bad blood with you guys. The way he's treated Chelsea lately, she really doesn't deserve that treatment. So, no we should not be enemies, there is no reason why we should. Yea Julio may be my brother, but I really don't have an issue with you guys." He explained and I nodded.

A few minutes went by & Ms. Thompson came by to come and get me out of my first class. As soon as we got in her office I sat down, she sat down and started looking at that damn clipboard.

"Bonnie Santiago, please report to the office with your belongings, Bonnie Santiago please report to the office please."

"Ok well I guess I'll have to see you another time Ms. Santiago," Ms. Thompson said as she sat the clipboard down. "Um ok," I said as I gathered my books and walked out of her office and made my way to my locker to put my things up and head to the office.

The Office

I walked in the office and didn't see my dad or no one I knew. "Oh sweetheart, the young man is waiting outside the building for you," the front desk lady said as I turned around and headed outside of the school. As soon as I walked out I saw Jahseh leaning against his car. Uh what the fuck?

"Chelsea called and said that Julio found out about everything, we gotta go and relocate her somewhere else." He said. I mean why are we hiding her? We should say fuck it and beat up this bitch ass nigga. "I have a plan though," he also said. I nodded, walked up towards him, he opened the door for me, I got in and Chelsea was sitting in the back the whole time, but she was sleeping.

2 hours later we stopped at some house, Jahseh had got out of the car and went to the house a few seconds later he came back to the car. "Yo Chels," Jahseh called. Chelsea moved around a little and woken up, "you staying at Craig's for awhile, Julio will not find you out here," he explained. "Thank you," she said as she gathered her things and got out of the car. "I'll talk to you later Bon," she told as she walked away and went inside of the house.

Jahseh got in the car, started it up and pulled off. "Will she be ok?" I asked. "She should be, I got the vros looking after her for me plus luckily she not the only female there," he explained and I nodded. "Thanks for coming with me though," he said. "No problem," I spoke.

Hours later we finally made it back to Jahseh's house and got comfortable until there was a sudden knock at the door. We looked at each other then looked at the door. "Who is it?" I yelled.

"Its Julio," he answered. I was about to get up and walked to the door but Jahseh stopped me and gave me some tape recorder. The fuck he get a tape recorder from... whatever. I grabbed it and walked up to the door.

~BONNIE~ (XXXTENTACION) 𝗨𝗡𝗘𝗗𝗜𝗧𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now