Chapter 13: Garden

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The adventuring group finally found the source of the light once they have crossed the tunnel...

What they saw is a beautiful and lush green garden in the center of the room, with sun shining on it and beautiful flowers adorning it...with the snow surrounding it.

Naturally, the kids felt fascinated by this. "Huh? Since when could the snow co-exist with the spring-like terrain and not melt?" Louie questioned while Huey observed the landscape. Dewey and Webby couldn't care less as they happily ran to the center and played on it.

Scrooge looked up to see a hole in the cave ceilings...clearly too high to reach. Then he sighed as he checked his pockets for his climbing supplies...only to find that he had lost them during the fall. He groaned as he said, "Kids, it looks like we might be stuck here for a while."

Huey looked at Scrooge with some worry. "What do you mean?" He asked. Scrooge explained about their current predicament (with other kids listening in) and after that, the kids sighed.

"Welp, might as well make the best of it." Louie said as he sat down in the garden and he is about to nap...until he saw the shining gleam near where he's sitting. Feeling curious, he decided to investigate...and he found the Golden Icicle! "Yes! Guys, I have found the treasure!" He cheered.

"Good job, lad!" Scrooge nodded happily while others clapped. Then he said, "Now, if only we can find a way to get out of here..." He looked at the garden and the surrounding snow. Then a metaphorical lightbulb popped up in his head.

He scooped up the snow and threw them into the garden center in hopes of building a snowy climbing platform. The kids saw this and figured out what he's doing and therefore, they joined him in building some sort of stairwell.

Once they built a high enough staircase, Scrooge jumped in joy. "Aye, let's get moving!" He ordered as he and the others climbed up...only to slip and slide down thanks to the snow melting in the center.

"Oh come on!" Webby complained once they got back down. Louie sighed in resignation as he said, "Well, we might as well live our whole lives here since I see no way of getting out of here. Does anyone here eats flowers?"

As soon as Louie said that, a climbing rope fell down near him. It seems like someone threw it down and is holding it sturdy for the group down below. Hope reignited in them as they climbed up the rope, escaping the seemingly-innocent garden.

Whoever this mysterious savior is, they must be very nice...

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