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      Everyone always had their fairytale dream of wanting to fall in love and how it would happen; I guess for me it wasn’t in my future. I didn’t have dreams or fantasies until I met him. He was sweet, funny, kind, and just a great person in general. I didn’t know what love was; but if the feelings I got whenever I was around him was it then I wanted to be with him. Then I found out that he wasn’t single and it hurt.

            I knew in my heart that I could never compete with the girl that made him happy. I knew I never stood a chance. After that we didn’t talk more. It wasn’t anyone’s fault I just decided that it would be better that way so I wouldn’t have feelings for him; but deep inside I did. I wanted to scream to cry to do something.

   Yet I couldn’t because I didn’t know what to do; but I did think to myself a lot for the first time in my life and the only thing that my mind and heart kept repeating was “All I ever wanna be is somebody to you”.

Somebody To You -Louis Tomlinson love story-Where stories live. Discover now