Hey guys what’s up I’m Skyler Renee Simpson; but you can just call me Skie. I’m a funny, shy, weird, awesome girl who has a bit of a temper. I love to make people smile though so please don’t get my personality mixed up. I’m a bit of a chatter box when I’m around my friends. I love to be heard because well if you don’t talk how will people be able to decide if they like you or not?
So let me tell you some stuff about me? Well I’m considered a bad girl; but I’m also a good girl. I’m the competitive one out of my friends as well. I do all kinds of spots. I do cheerleading with my friends, Gymnastics, Track, and Dance.
I have dreams of becoming a famous singer or rapper because I’d say I’m pretty talented. I have two siblings. A twin brother named Tyler and a little sister named Anastasia. They’re my everything if you hurt them in any way shape or form you better believe that I’m coming after you. Another thing that I should say about myself is that I’m a very mouthy girl.
I don’t like being talked down to in any sort of way and if I feel that you are my mouth is going to shoot off. I’m also a bit of a hot head which is where my temper comes from. My favorite best friends are Alexandra and Kristin we do everything together. I would’ve included Cassandra to the list except she’s my cousin so I do everything with her regardless. I kinda have a crush on Kris’ brother; but don’t tell please only Lexie and Cassie know and I plan to keep it like that for a while.
Anyways I don’t know what else to say so I’m going to go now deuces.

Somebody To You -Louis Tomlinson love story-
FanfictionWhen Alexandra falls hard in love with the new kid at school she tries to do any and everything to get his attention. That is until she finds out that he has a girlfriend. Then everything gets complicated and all she ever wanted to be is somebody to...