Chapter 2 The New Kids

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     I told them everything about what had just happened with me and Louis and the girls went crazy. “Does he have a body”, Cassandra asked. “Is he smart”, Kristin asked. “Is he nice”, Jennifer (Jen’s real name) asked. “What does he look like”, Haylee asked.

     “Can he drive a car”, Alison asked. “You guys we’re missing the most important question here. The biggest question is if she likes him is he single or taken”, Skie said. “That’s not the biggest question that’s one of them yes; but the biggest question is, is he gay, straight, or bi”, Cassandra said. Jayden looked at his sister in shock and then shook his head.

     “What does his sexuality have to do with this”, Jen asked. “Well you don’t want her dating a fruit cup do you”, Cassandra asked. Jayden’s jaw dropped and everyone in the cafeteria got silent and stared at Cassandra. “Why would you say that”, Jayden said through his teeth. “Wow now we have a crowd to please.

     Thanks a lot Cassandra”, Haylee said. Skie looked like she wanted to say something; but she bit her tongue and said nothing. “Ok guys there’s nothing to see here”, Kristin said trying to get everyone to stop starring at us. “Why are you saying thanks a lot as if it’s my fault? All I was doing is stating an honest fact”, Cassandra said.

     “Well by you stating your “honest” fact you got everyone to stare at us”, Haylee said. “Well I’m sorry for being entitled to my own opinion”, Cassandra said trying to stay calm. “You should be at least when you say something think about it”, Haylee said. As soon Haylee said that Skie started tapping her fingers angrily on the table and her foot started to shake. There was two things that Skyler absolutely hated about Haylee.

      One is that she always opened her mouth about any and everything that was going on whether we cared or not. The other thing was when Haylee jumped all over Cassandra for speaking without thinking because Haylee did the same exact thing every day and nobody ever said anything wrong about it. Skie took a deep breath and then just let her mouth loose. “How dare you say anything to Cassandra about thinking about what she says? Do I like what she said? Absolutely not; but does that give you out of all people the rights to say anything hell no!

     You never shut up nor do you think about fifty percent of the things that you say so before you go around pointing fingers at anyone you need to check yourself. Oh and another thing if you mother fuckers don’t turn the fuck around and mind your damn business I’m gonna fuck y’all up. Now do you have anything else you wanna say Haylee”, Skie asked. I looked at Haylee and you could tell that she wanted to say something; but she shook it off. “Thanks Skie”, Cassandra said looking down.

     “You’re welcome I just don’t like when people feel like they’re all high and mighty and have to throw shade at other’s when they are far from perfect their selves. Also you were wrong by your comment”, Skie said. “Why don’t we talk about something else shall we”, I suggested. “Sure why don’t we talk about the assembly later”, Haylee said. “What assembly”, Kristin asked looking up from her outfit.

     “The assembly for the new kids that are coming here”, Haylee said. “Haylee as I said before and I’ll say it again unless you can prove that it’s going to happen which it more than likely won’t please shut up”, Cassandra said wiping off her outfit that she’d just split juice on. “Now, now guys let’s not bicker over weather something is going to happen or not”, Jen said. “Well do you believe it”, Skie asked. “Skyler I’m not deciding all I’m going to say is that it’s possible”, Jen said.

     “Ok Jenny whatever you say”, Skie said. We talked a little bit more about random stuff and then the bell rung and we all got up, grabbed our belongings, and threw our trash away. We all went our separate ways except for Cassandra, Skie, Jayden, and I. We all had our last classes together. “So do any of you believe it”, Skie asked as we walked upstairs to the third floor.

     “Well this is me coming out of my character here; but I don’t believe it at all. I mean why the hell would they throw an assembly for some new kids”, Jayden said. “That’s exactly my point. It’s like oh wow they’re from a different country. Ok and your point is”, Skie said.

     “I don’t feel that same exact way; but I don’t get what’s so special about it. Then Haylee is all like one of them is my brother. Like yeah right prove it and then I’ll believe you. Actually have some fact behind it and I’ll be like ok sure whatever. Till then I don’t wanna hear it”, Cassandra said.

     We walked into science class and took our seats at our table. The teacher turned off the lights and was about to show us a video and we could sleep through it if we wanted to; but then the principal came on the p.a system. “Pardon the interruption; but will all students please report to the auditorium for an important assembly quickly and quietly”, He said. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me”, Skie and Cassandra said at the same time. Everyone in our class moaned and groaned as we got up, grabbed our stuff, and headed downstairs.

     “I swear to you if Haylee is right my foot and her ass are having a meeting”, Skie said. “If she’s right I’m going to smack her”, Cassandra said. “Why are you guys so violent”, Jayden asked. “I’m not violent unless provoked; but this is so stupid”, Skie said. “So then you’re saying that you feel provoked by Haylee”, Jayden asked.

     “Shut up Jayden”, Skie said. We made it downstairs and to the auditorium and our teacher told us to sit with our class. I looked up at the stage and saw a banner that said “Welcome New Students”. “What the actual fuck”, I said. “What’s wrong”, Skie asked.

     Instead of saying anything I pointed at the banner and Skyler, Cassandra, and Jayden all followed the direction of my hand. “Hold on a second I think I need to put on my glasses”, Cassandra said. “Yeah me to”, Skie said. They both opened their purses and took out their glasses cases and put them on. Skie stared at the banner the longest and I think it was because she was trying to process everything in her mind.

     “Yeah I’m gonna beat Haylee’s ass”, Skie said as she took off her glasses. “I’m going to kill somebody”, Cassandra said as she removed her glasses. “Is the violence necessary? So what if Haylee was right that doesn’t mean anything”, Jayden said. “Wait you guys don’t hurt anyone yet she was only right about one thing”, I said.

     “Ok then I’ll just be cussing her out”, Skie said. “No you won’t. If you do that I won’t talk to you anymore”, Jayden said Skie frowned and didn’t say anything. Everyone in the auditorium was talking and I noticed Tristian and Kristin were sitting right in front of us. “Hey Tris and Kris there’s two open seats back here if you’d like to sit with us”, I said.

     “No thanks. We wouldn’t want to get you in trouble by your teacher. By the way Skyler and Cassandra did I just hear you say you were gonna hit Haylee”, Kristin asked. “Yup”, Skie said. “Oh great I thought I was the only one”, Kristin said.

     “Kris don’t hit the girl”, Jayden said. “Why not nobody cares about this stupid shit. I mean after all they’re just new kids why do we have to waste our time hearing about them. I’m not saying that I want to be in class; but to be honest I’d rather be there than to be here bored as fuck”, Kristin said. Jayden gasped and then thought about it again and didn’t say anything.

     “Now do you see it our way”, Cassandra asked. “Yes I get it”, Jayden said. Jayden had a huge crush on Kristin and Kristin felt the same way; but they were both too scared to make a move on it. Mr. Wheeler (our principal) walked up to the stage and stood at the podium. “Ladies and gentlemen can I have your attention please”, he said.

     Everyone in the auditorium shut their mouths except Cassie, Jay (Jayden’s nickname), Skie, Kris, Tris, and me because everyone was scared of Mr. Wheeler. “Thank you now we have some new students here today from England and we’d like to introduce you to them and get to know a bit about them”, Mr. Wheeler said. “Why because they’re British? Oh gosh hey everyone the British are coming the British are coming”, Tyler said. Skie and the rest of us started snickering.

     “Oh so you wanna play”, Mr. Wheeler asked. “No sir”, Tyler said with a smirk on his face. “Then wipe that smirk off your face and stop making comments. Anyways everyone please give a nice warm welcome to Harold, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zain”, Mr. Wheeler said. Everyone clapped just to be nice and then we all stopped.

     “Pst guys that’s Louis”, I whispered to the others. “Interesting”, Skie said. Mr. Wheeler then walked over to the guys and told them something and then Harold walked over to the 

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