Chapter 14: Monika's Lament

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Monika pat Natsuki's head as the door swung open, an enthusiastic Sayori jumping in followed by Yuri holding a few shopping bags. Monika walked over to help Yuri set the bags down and organize them. While they were at it, Yuri struck up conversation. 

" So, how did everything go? " Yuri asked, keeping her voice quiet so the other girls wouldn't charge over and disrupt her.

" Everything went swell. It was a good day to spend with Natsuki. She seemed very excited for it. " Monika sighed as she grabbed the fruits and began setting them in the fridge. Monika glanced and saw Yuri deep in thought before snapping back to the conversation.

" That's wonderful. I am glad you enjoyed spending time with Natsuki. " Yuri smiled lightly at Monika before finished up the groceries. Monika sighed and stared at the counter as everyone left the kitchen.

Monika felt her heart aching, it was almost agonizing. She placed a hand on her heart and felt the beat quickening and slowing down. Monika felt herself break into a million pieces as she looked into her own reflection in the counter. She looked tired and pale like she hasn't slept in days.

Did none else notice-? Or am I just that forgettable? 

Monika hissed to herself and stood there in the kitchen, which must have looked odd from a distance since Sayori trotted over and grabbed the edge of her shorts, tugging them. Monika looked at Sayori, who had a face of pure concern which made Monika feel guilty all over again.

" Hey Sayori-something wrong? " Monika asked, patting Sayori's head. Sayori just whimpered and gave Monika a saddening glare. " I can't understand you just by your face, you're going to need to speak up. " Monika squished Sayori's cheeks, trying to avert the one-sided conversation. But Sayori wasn't having it.

" You are lying! That's not nice, Monika. " Sayori whined making a pouting face at her and then latching onto Monika's arm like she was going to leave her. Sayori looked back at Monika with her puppy eyes. " Monika, please tell me whats wrong-! I wanna help!" Sayori whimpered slightly.

" Well- " Monika sighed. " It's nothing to worry too much about, Sayori. " Monika nuzzled Sayori's head gently, trying to reassure her, but that wasn't enough.

"Stop lying!" Sayori grumbled loudly. Monika sat down on the kitchen floor, Sayori plopped down next to her, wrapping her arms around Monika in a tight hug. Monika heaved a sigh.

" Sayori, I think..I think I have a few issues. depression. It isn't improving. " Monika murmured and felt Sayori hold her tighter. " But it's alright-! It's been a breeze-" Sayori shoved her finger over Monika's mouth with an aggravated expression.

" No, no! It's not okay! " Sayori hugged Monika tightly, Monika even hugged her back. " I want you to be happy-! " Sayori kept hugging Monika.

She is really dedicated to happiness, isn't she..?

Monika pat Sayori's little head as they got to their feet. Monika and Sayori walked to the living room and sat on the couch with the other girls. Monika snuggled up between Sayori and Natsuki while Yuri wrapped around all of them. Monika heaved a sigh and watched the television as she thought about what Sayori said.


Soon, the show ended and all of the other girls seemed exhausted. Monika sat up and noticed the other girls were curled up next to her. Monika heaved a sigh and first grabbed Sayori, carrying her to Monika's bed. She set Sayori down under the covers then retrieved Natsuki repeating the same action. Finally, she carried Yuri up to her bed and placed her next to Sayori and Natsuki. Monika wasn't planning on sleeping, so them borrowing her bed didn't bother her.

Monika collapsed on the couch and stared at the television static. She felt empty and hollow as if someone had ripped her heart right out of her chest and left a void in its place. It was agonizing, but she learned to ignore it and continued staring at the television. The static filled her vision and she felt herself blanking out while staring at it.

Something is wrong with me.

The static was almost clouding Monika's thoughts. She felt herself blankly staring at the television more and at longer lengths. Monika put one hand on her left pulse, feeling her heartbeat in her brain.

Thud...thud thud....thud.....thud..........t..h...u..d.

Monika felt herself beginning to shake in place like she was afraid of something. She had goosebumps as she looked around the dark room, only illuminated by the static like television screen. She saw nothing but darkness and small outlines of objects around her house.

What am I so worried about..?

Monika heard her front door lock being messed with on the outer side. Monika rose to her feet and stood beside the door, then she heard the lock.


Monika grabbed the nearest object near her and slammed it into the persons head, making them fall back groaning. Monika hissed at them and realized she was holding a now broken vase, she glared at the stranger and put her shoe on their throat.

"Yell out and your dead. We have girls sleeping upstairs and I swear to fucking wake them up and I will cut your throat out. " Monika hissed, the stranger glared at her.

" Hey! Let me go little girl! " The man tried to throw her off so she thrust-ed the vase into his left eye violently, turning it to the left. The man made a muffled yell of agony, Monika's foot keeping it silenced as she shoved her heel onto his throat. She glared at him. " Get out of my house. "

The man took no time to hesitate and left the house in a hurry, leaving blood droplets behind. Monika threw the bloody vase to the side and sat down on the floor by the opened door.

I need to relax myself.

Monika began doing shallow breaths as she looked at the bloody vase.

I need to clean this up.

But she couldn't. Monika just stared at the open door, feeling the cold air surround her.

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