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Sorry I took so long to update, I was preparing for a Jazz competition I had at my school. Enjoy...

Shield HQ

Third person's POV

Nick Fury marched into a meeting room, where the Avengers currently waiting for him. Well, most of the Avengers. Not wanting to wait for Tony to show up late, as usual, Nick dragged Tony behind him.

When Fury entered the room with Tony in tow, Steve, like the solider he was, stood to attention. Natasha sat up in her chair, while Thor nodded to Fury. Clint just completely ignored the arrival of Nick.

Fury pushed Tony into a chair, then collapsed into his own, sighing. Fury sat up and projected a hologram image of the friendly neighborhood vigilante, Spiderman.

"This 'Spiderman' is very suspicious. When we were defending against Hydra's attack, he was easily taking down all the enemies. Too easily. I need you guys to bring him in for questioning."

Tony sighed, but was quickly interrupted by Natasha's shout of anger.

"Spiderman did nothing wrong! You should leave him alone!"

Tony jumped up. "That makes you a perfect candidate to go after him. You don't want to hurt the Spiderguy."

Nick shook his head. "This man will need more people after him. Spiderman is awfully strong, from what we know."

Clint stood up, ever the supporter of Natasha. "I can go with Nat. No one can beat two super spies."

Natasha gave Clint a small smile. "Thanks. Let's go."

Nick nodded. "Just don't kill him, you can injure him if needed."

Line break..............

Spiderman was just starting his patrol when he heard sirens. Clinging to the side of a building, Peter turned until he saw the police car. He then followed the police car to the crime scene.

He sucussfully captured two criminals trying to rob a bank, and delivered him to the police.

Peter's POV

The police were taking the criminal away so I sat down on the top of a building to relax.

One of the robbers had caught me distracted, and stabbed me. Due to my enhanced healing it was only bleeding a little.

Suddenly my spidey senses went crazy. I jumped up and spotted a glimpse of red hair. Who has such red hair.... Natasha!

With an alarm in the back of my head, courtesy of my spidey senses, I easily dodged the taser headed at me.

I fired a web back, knocking Natasha off her feet and harshly onto her side. I flinched.

"Sorry," I yelled at her. I hope she is okay.

Natasha glared at me as she pulled out a knife and started sawing at the webs. Suddenly my Spidey senses started hammering my head.

I cradled my forehead, then quickly looked up. I saw Clint on a balcony, shooting arrows at me, which I easily dodged.

My knees buckled as my spidey senses screamed at me. I quickly looked around, then saw a robber sneaking up on Clint. I must have missed one.

I was snapped back into attention as the robber aimed at Clint's head.

Third person's POV

Peter let out a shout of warning, "Watch out!" then shot a web at Clint then yanked back hard, to pull Clint away. That would inevitably make them switch places.

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