Prank Gone Terribly Wrong

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Hey everyone, Spiderfan here! Wow we're almost at 1K reads! Thank you all for your support on my story! This was a request by This_MARVELous_world. I hope you enjoy it!

Third Person POV

Peter was sitting with Loki in his room, a weekly occurence. Everyone knew to steer clear of the duo after that day.

Why? Because it was their prank meeting. They would plan out all the different ways they were going to prank a person.

This week it was Natasha's turn to be pranked. They didn't know how to prank her, so they were planning to turn a penny into a spider with red hair, like Nat's. (I know, lame prank, but I had no other ideas)

It was now 6:55. Nat would go for breakfast at 7:00 so Loki and Peter were in the air vents, going to change the coin into the spider.

Peter's POV

Loki and I were in the vents and were going to change the coin into a spider. I slipped down from the vents and placed a penny on the counter.

"Go Loki," I said, signaling it was time to transform the coin. I took a step back and noticed a cute little furry spider crawling next to the coin.

"Aww," I walked up to the spider and went to pet it. Suddenly I felt a spike of pain in my back, then everything went black.

Loki's POV

Peter placed the coin on the counter and signaled for me to go. Remembering the old spell from many years ago, I sent out a blast of green to make the coin into a spider.

Peter suddenly stepped into the wave of the spell, and he collapsed. I jumped down from the vent and saw that in Peter's place was now a two foot big spider.

It got up, and I jumped back and watched it climb onto the roof. It started scuttling towards Natasha's room and I ran after it.

The door to Nat's room opened and the spider-Peter climbed in. There was a thump and I arrived to see Natasha whacking the spider with a broom.

I tackled Natasha, letting the spider climb out without any major injuries. I sighed. It was going to be a long day.

I stood up and trudged after the spider. Where did the spider-err Peter, no Spider-Peter go? Suddenly there was a high pitched scream, accompanied by the quick thumps of running feet.

I jogged towards the sound and saw Clint running away from Peter. He let out another scream.

"S-spider!" He shrieked pointing at it. I chuckled. Peter continued to follow Clint around the penthouse.

After a few minutes of scrambling, Peter stopped following Clint and headed towards his own bedroom.

Once Peter entered his bedroom, Natasha ran to his door and slammed it shut, shouting, "FRIDAY put Peter's room in lockdown mode!"

Nat sighed and slid down the floor, exhausted from the spider chase.

Third person's POV

Tony walked out of his bedroom, yawning, then tried to open Peter's door.

"What happened?" Tony questioned. When no one responded he tried again to open the door. "What did you do to my kid?" Tony yelled, yanking on the doorknob, when no one responded.

Loki sighed in exasperation. "Just check the cameras, Stark."

Tony brought up a hologram displaying what was going on in Peter's room. There were webs everywhere, forming the classic spider web design, and Peter's chair was overturned.

What relieved Loki, though, was the confused teenager sitting in the middle of the mess.

Tony had FRIDAY unlock Peter's door, and Peter came out.

Peter glanced back at his destroyed room, which he woke up in the middle of. "Uhh... Loki? What happened?"

Loki snickered. "Nothing. We just got an important piece of information from Clint. He's afraid of spiders."

"No I'm not!" Clint yelled indignantly.

Without turning around, Loki sent the hologram of a small spider towards Clint. Loki was immediately rewarded with a high pitched scream from Clint.

Peter and Loki shared a mischievous glance.

"Point taken," Peter said, winking. They both ran off, already planning mischief for next weekend's person.

Tony shared an ominous look with Natasha. They both looked at Clint, who was next weekend's victim, and said in unison, "Run."

And he did.

Edit: Wow already hit 1k, thank you so much! What did I do to deserve all you amazing people? Though more votes would be amazing

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Edit: Wow already hit 1k, thank you so much! What did I do to deserve all you amazing people? Though more votes would be amazing...😳

So how was that? I hope you enjoyed it.

I'm still taking requests, so comment yours!

Remember to vote! Until next time!❤

Remember to vote! Until next time!❤--Spiderfan

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