Infinity War Part 3

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Hey guys! Spiderfan here, how's it been! I know it has been a long, LONG time since I updated, and I'm really sorry about that!
*Hides from angry readers*
I want to give a special thanks to everyone who has been giving me amazing support! (Im talking about the original people, I'm too lazy to write out all your names, comment if you think you are one of them) Well, here it is, so enjoy!

*I don't own Marvel*

Peter's POV(in the soul stone)

I went to a place that Tony had told me about, called the New York sactium, where Dr. Strange lived. I knocked on the door, and when no one answered I hesitantly let myself in.

"Hello? Anyone there? Mr. Strange?"

"It's Doctor Strange." I jumped back as Dr. Strange appeared next to me. "Why are you here?" He questioned me.

"W-well, I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help get us out of the soul stone, M-Mr. Strange."

He sighed. "It's Doctor, kid. And I don't know any way to get us out of here."

"What about when you did that weird look forward in time thing on Titan?" I asked.

"I knew that we were going to get stuck in the time stone, and that we needed Tony to save us but..." He scrunched up his face, looking like he was trying to remember.

His eyes suddenly shot open. "In most futures there was a place we needed to go called Freiheit... Though I don't know where to find it." His face fell.

"There's a library I know about, it has lots of stuff on different mythologies and I think we might find where Freihiet is there."

I showed Dr. Strange a photo of the library, and he opened an orange rimmed portal, which we stepped through.

At the library, I went through the "F" section, but didn't find anything helpful, unless you think "Factory Life" would help us find Freihiet.

"Hey! Over here," I heard Dr. Strange shout. I ran over to him, in the "I" section. He was holding a book titled "101 Facts on Infinity Stones".

I snorted at the irony of finding that book, but looked where he was pointing.

It said, Freihiet, which resides in the soul stone, is located on the top of a mountain next to what is commonly known as Wakanda. Only the worthy can find this information; it chooses who to inform.

I looked up, smiling. "Looks like we're going to Wakanda!"

Line break..... to Earth.......

Tony's POV

We had assembled the heroes of Earth, well and beyond. Natasha had called Clint, being close friends, and he was there ready for action. Oyoke and her warriors were ready to fight and avenge the death of T'challa.

Thor wanted to avenge the death of Loki. The guardians of the galaxy and Nebula wanted revenge for the death of Gamora and they too were here and ready. I took the liberty of locking up Star Lord, to keep him from ruining things again.

Everyone piled into Nebula's spaceship, with Carol as pilot. "Titan is Thanos' home," Carol said while punching in coordinates, "He will most likely have gone back there. So that's where we are going too."

Line break(sorry so many).....

Peter's POV

Dr. Strange opened up an orange portal, and I stepped through, surprised at what I saw. From what I knew, this was Sovokia.

I sent a questioning glance towards Dr. Strange, and he gestured towards the house in front of us, like I should know whose it was.

I glared at him, and Steven sighed. "I thought we could use some allies," he said, "and this is where Wanda Maximoff, and Bucky Barnes are staying, though I believe that they don't know that they are living in the same apartment building."

"I'll get Wanda," I offered. Steven shrugged, and pointed towards a door numbered 307. He walked off, presumably to get Bucky. I took a step towards the door and hesitantly knocked.

The door slowly opened and a woman with brownish-redish hair stepped out. Her eyes. You could see the she was broken, that she had lost her fight.

I remembered her from the battle thing with Captain America, but she was like a different person, docile instead of rebellious and fiery. She looked shaggy, as if she had spent all her time moping around bed instead of doing anything.

I shook out of my stupor. "H-hello Miss Wanda." I stood up straighter. "We need your help. We found a way home, but we need your help to get only the good people there. If a villain or criminal ends up killing someone when we are going home, they will disappear from everyone's memory."

I looked at Wanda, waiting for her to immediately join us, wanting something to do, but instead she sighed.

"There is nothing left for me," Wanda said in her thick accent. "My brother sacrificed himself for Clint and a kid when I could have saved them all. I had to kill my boyfriend, to save the rest of the world, just to have him brutally killed again by Thanos. Why fight anymore?"

I suddenly was filled with fury. "Why fight? It was for them. They can't fight now, so have to fight for those who can't defend themselves. Remember them, don't be a shame to those who you lost. Fight so others don't lose what you did. Because your powers are not only a gift. They are a burden and your responsibility. It was fate that chose you were chosen to wield them to help others. If you won't help, then I'll do it alone, even if it kills me. We need your help. I won't beg for it, no matter how much I need it. But they have nothing but us. They need you."

I stormed out, trying to slow my racing pace. Dr. Strange was walking towards me with Bucky not far behind. I sighed in disappointment. I didn't want Dr. Strange to think that I was incapable of doing difficult things because I failed with an easy one.

I hung my head sadly, then quickly snapped it up when I heard a door slowly creak open then close. I turned around, a smile creeping back onto my face.

The person behind me was a completely different from the person who had answered the door. She had nearly combed hair that shone in the sun, and she was wairimg her familiar short trench coat and black gloves.

But what changed most of all were her eyes. They were full of a fire I had never seen before. To know I helped this change gave me a strange sense of pride.

Wanda nodded at Bucky, an old comrade, before looking me straight in the eye. A small smile came on her face. "Sorry I took so long," she said. "Let's go save the world."

She stood up dramatically, before her shoulders dropped. "Err-- the soul world thing..." Wanda shook her head. "Never mind," she muttered, before saying, " Come on! We don't have all day!"

Smiling, Dr Strange, Bucky, and I stepped through another orange portal, heading towards our destiny.

Wow that was so long! I know it is a little boring, but it is a filler chapter for the better part, coming up soon! That was 1202 words, not including this. I hoped you all enjoyed it.

*Please comment and vote! *

P.S. How was my Spidey rant? I enjoyed writing it (*^_^*)

 How was my Spidey rant? I enjoyed writing it (*^_^*)

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