I will be free

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~Lilith's POV~

just like every other day I was relaxing on the roof of the palace with Metu she was asleep as I look at the view of the marketplace this was the only place I could go where I could see over that dam wall I just wish I could go and see it in person I sigh and hug myself I just want more than everything handed to me I feel as if I don't earn anything im given or that people don't see me as just a teenaged girl they see a princess "Lilith!" I hear someone call for me I glance over the edge of the roof seeing my sister Jasmine in the garden looking around for me I giggle "up here!" I call she looks up seeing me and waves me down I grab Metu and clime down "can I help you?" I ask sweetly once im on the floor and place Metu down smiling she brushes me down and holds shoes out for me I grown and put them on "I wish you would stop going up there" she tells me I pout "why?" I ask her she sighs "because Father cart get up there and he sends me to go get you" she tells me and fixes my hair "a guys here isnt there?" I ask she smiles "yes there is" she tells me and I grown again as she pulls me along "don't be like that he might be the one" she tells me smiling "the one dosent exist" I tell her she gives me a look and I smile "I mean...it exists for you and Kanja but me im a free spirt none of this love at first sight crap" I tell her and fold my arms and sit down she joins me "I really wish you would act more like a princess" she tells me I look down "ok fine ill suck it up and act like a princess for this one guy" I tell her she smiles and hugs me "look you will know when the one comes along you will get butterfly's in your stomach and your heart rate will increase he will make you smile laugh and treat you right and when you kiss you will feel a spark that's that makes you want to melt into his arms" she tells me "wow sounds...gross" I tell her she glears playfully at me "oh sorry princess mode activate...that sounds magical" I tell her making her laugh she looks up and I follow her gaze to see an older guy in all purple he looked like a plum "stop that remember plight, graceful, elegant young lady" she tells me I roll my eyes "and no rolling your eyes" she adds I pout and nod "excuse me princess Jasmine would you mind if i spoke with Princess Lilith alone?" the plum asks in a cocky voice that i already hated but i fake a smile as Jasmine leaves "hello princess" he bows and kisses my hand making my skin crawl but i hide it he joins me and starts talking he told me a lot about himself and never asked me a thing so hes a plum with a huge ego how fun i started to zone out as he keeps talking I even see Metu cover her ears with her paws as he spoke he got my attention again when he mentioned the marketplace just outside the walls but what he said makes me hate him more he was going to hurt children "then a dirty street rat blocked my whip saying i have no manners" he says he was annoyed but if I had to be honest I agreed with the street rat "then i told him that he is a worthless street rat he was born a street rat, he'll die a street rat, and only his fleas will mourn him" he finishes with a laugh I look up seeing Jasmine shaking her head at me almost begging me not to 'im sorry' I mouth to her then turn to the Ego Plum "you overdressed, self-absorbed Plum!" I snap shocking him "how you can call yourself a prince is beyond me that street rat...no that young man is right about you and I wouldn't dream of marrying you" I snap at him he growls and grabs me but In a swift movement I spin kick him in the face "leave!" i demand and point to the door he jumps up as both Tigers growl at him Metu getting a bite of the so called prince's backside he lets out a yelp before storming off I smile down at the tigers and pet them both as thank you "LILITH!" a voice yells making me flinch oh no that was dad grate now im in trouble he sees me and starts to walk over but Rajah blocks him off as I pick up Metu and taking the so called prince's underwear chunk out of her mouth "don't eat that you could get sick" I tell her and she spits it out making me smile dad grabs the cloth "Confound it So, this is why Prince Achmed stormed out!" Dad shouts I look at Metu "ermmm yes it was Metu and definitely not me calling him a overdressed, self-absorbed Plum" I mutter only to see Jasmine laugh at what i said i look up and find my dad with an angry face i roll my eyes i know what's coming next so I turn to Jasmine and lip sync father perfectly even his movements "Dearest, you've got to stop rejecting every suitor that comes to call the law says you must be married to a prince by your next birthday" dad says then looks at me as I stop lip syncing him and smile sweetly "yes I understand that father but if im going to be honest that law is stupid your forcing me to marry a man I don't and never will love" I tell him sadly "Lilith it's not only this law I'm not going to be around forever and Jasmine will be leaving soon I just want to make sure you're taken care of, provided for" dad tells me "I can handle myself if you just let me go outside the walls I could prove..." he cuts me off "you're a princess you cart" dad tells me and i grown "Then maybe I don't want to be a princess" i tell him and walk away from him soon he storms off heading back to my spot on thee roof I see birds fly over head "at least yous can be free..."I trail off watching them I don't belong here I know im ment to be out there with people who understand me...im done with this life for good tonight ill run away then i can be who i want to be not some princess just Lilith once it gets dark I leave my sister a note on her mirror and head to the wall i look around but i don't see anyone so i go to the wall i pull my hood up and start claiming the vines that go up the wall when im suddenly pulled down "wow" I mutter nearly falling i turn seeing my sister "you cart do this" she says in a whisper "I need to Jasmine I cart stay here any longer or im going to lose my mind you of all people should know just how unhappy i am here" I tell her she lets go of me "i know...just promise me you will be safe and come see me if you need anything ok?" she asks and i smile at her "yes thank you Jasmine" i say and hug her and she helps me up and over the wall once im fully over the wall I smile "im free from that cage at last" i say and start my walk into the marketplace 

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