its my fault

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~Lilith's POV~

as soon as I make it back to the palace I waste no time and go right to looking for Jafar but for the life of me I just couldn't find him where the hell is he "your back?" I hear Jasmine's voice I turn and see her once we lock eyes "im only here to help a guy i met in the market place Jafar had him  taken away and locked up for no reason" i tell her and she smirks at me "oh a guy huh you dont normaly take a liking to a guy that fast" she says with a smirk i blush and look down "w...well he's diffrent from the others" i mummble and she hugs me "ahhhh you found the one" she says smiling and spinning me around "please stop I haven't got time for this" I tell her and she lets me go shocked "you really like him don't you?" she asks me I shrug "I don't know yet but i want to find out" I tell her she nods "then lets go find Jafar and get him releast" she says and spins me around once more i nod and we both go looking for Jafar we search and search until till finally we see him and i run over I never fully trusted Jafar but Iv never had a problem with him either he did his thing and I did mine he never stopped me "Jafar" I call he turns around and bows at me and my sister "oh Princess's how may i be of service to you both?" he asks us i look at Jasmine who nods at me "well...the guards just took a young man from the market on your orders" i tell him and Jafar looks up at me "yes your father charged me with keeping peace in Agrabah the boy was a crimial" Jafar tells me and i growl Jasmine jumps in for me giving me a moment to calm myself "is that so? then what was his crime?" she asks him and I nod he didnt take anything I did "why kidnapping the princess, your sister of course" he tells us and i step up "he didnt kidnap me i ran away and he didnt steal anything...I did" I tell him hoping he would let him go but his face drops in fear and shock and for that moment my heart stops beating "oh dear oh why frightfully upsetting had i but known" he says in a worried voice "what do you mean?" i ask him as a cold chill runs though my body "sadly the boy's sentence has already been carried out" he informs me "a...and what was the sentence?" i ask stuttering hoping its not what I think it is "death by beheading" he tells me both me and Jasmine gasp " how could you?" i ask as my body starts to shake and i fall to my knees Jasmine rushes to my side "I am exceedingly sorry princess" he turns to face me as Jasmine helps me up then glears at Jafar "lets go" Jasmine says as she helps me out of the room leading me to our room where I see Metu she sits me on the bed "could I be alone?" I ask her she nods and leaves me in our room "its my fault...hes dead because of me...wait maybe Jafar was lieing theres no way he could have done that in the time it took us to return to the plaice he had to still be in the dungen" i say filling myself up with hope i run to the dungeon with Metu running along side me  "h...hello?" i yell as i keep walking i then hear a voice...not just anyones but his voice i was sure of it i run over to the cell where the voice was coming from i open it and run in only to find out it was empty i fall to my knees again I really was too late it's all my fault i didn't even know his name i cry hard not caring if the guards heard me "Lilith why are you in here? and why are you crying?" my father asks as he runs over to me i whipe my eyes "" i cry and hug him I wasn't that big on hugging so I took him by surprise I open up and tell him everything he gets mad and helps me up "we will talk to Jafar tomorrow but as of right now you go get some rest" father tells me and i nod and head off to my room Metu not leaving my side but the whole night just felt empty at the same thing played in my head over and over 

I got an innocent man killed his blood was on my hands 


the next day when I wake up my body feels heavy and my heart felt empty I didnt sleep much how could I I get changed and my sister keeps a close eye on me my dad calls me into his chamber so we could talk with Jafar  as i walk in i see my dad telling off Jafar for me and I have never seen my dad this angry "Jafar, this is an outrage if it weren't for all your years of loyal service... . From now on you are to discuss sentencing of prisoners with me before they are beheaded" dad yells at him I was happy he was yelling at Jafar but I don't think anything will fix me "I assure you, your highness, it won't happen again" Jafar says while bowing down to my dad "Lilith, Jafar now let's put this whole messy business behind us Please?" dad asks us and grabs my hand and placing it in Jafars is he joking me that's it a slap on the wrist fir killing someone for no reason "My most abject and humblest apologies to you as well princess" Jafar says kisses my hand I shiver grossed out i yank my hand away from him "you know Jafar once im queen your gone" I tell him coldly meeting his eye I then smirk "but don't worry Iago can take your place hes just as qualified as you and I like him more" I tell him getting in his face I then smile at said bird and pet him slightly before turning my back and storm out of the room and head back my room where I grown and throw myself onto my bed my sister jumps slightly and looks over at me "are you ok?" she asks me worried I shake my head at her and sign "you wont believe what happened dad expects me and Jafar to get along after what he did ill never get along with him" i growl Jasmine walks over to me and lays next to me "what did you tell him?" she asks I pout "I told him that once in queen hes out and Iago gets his job" I mumble she bursts out laughing but smiles "look its going to be hard but his death wasn't on you" she tells me I look down and throw a pillow at the floor and Metu attacks it "well it feels like it is I didnt even get to know his name but I know I felt somthing for him somthing new and eciting and I don't think I will ever feel that way again" I tell her sadly she rubs my back as a tear falls from my eye i wipe it away and shake my head "im fine really" i tell her and give her a weak smile its all I could muster that's when music is heard "huh wants that?" i ask she shrugs and we both walk out on to the balcony to see a huge pride and a guy who im guessing might be called Prince Ali but thats just a guess...since everyone was singing that name i giggle slightly I did enjoy a show but Jasmine just rolls her eyes and walks back into our room she wasn't as big of a fan iv never even heard of this guy why was he here what did he want? I notice him coming this way as I hear crashing and banging coming from the chamber I glance to my sister who looked just as worried so we both make a run for the chamber to see Dad, Jafar and Prince Ali talking "Lilith will like this one!" my dad says is he kidding me hes still trying to marry me off after what I went though? "And I'm pretty sure I'll like Princess Lilith!" the prince says oh is that so..."Your highness, no i must intercede on Lilith's behalf this boy is no different than the others What makes him think he is worthy of the princess?" Jafar says so now he's on my side huh i roll my eyes "Your majesty, I am Prince Ali Ababwa! just let her meet me i will win your daughter!" the prince tells my dad god hes cocky...but for some reason I kind of liked it "How dare you! all of you, standing around deciding her future after what shes just gone though! shes not a toy for you all to play with!" Jasmine yells at them making them all look our way she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room but somthing was telling me to look back when I do I lock eyes with the young prince his brown eyes seem to light up once he sees that I looked back and he smiles at me i feel butterfly's my heart races and I feel a blush come across my face I quickly look down but before I leave the room I take one last look at him and give him a small smile of my own.

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