Meeting Him

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~Lilith's POV~

I yawn and stretch I had spent the night on the streets but I was still happy I hear my stomach growl and blush as i walk down the streets shop keepers pop up at me "Pretty lady, buy a pot. No finer pot in brass or silver" "Sugar dates, sugar dates and figs! Sugar dates and pistachios!" "Would the lady like a necklace. A pretty necklace for a pretty lady" "Fresh fish! We catch 'em, you buy 'em!" they all yell at me but I shake my head to them all I stop and watch a fire eater he gulps, then belches fire from his mouth i jump back in surprise as my hood falls down the man then taps his stomach settling it this place was crazy I love it I stop as I spot a young boy reaching for an apple but its just out of his reach i walk over and pass him one of the apples "you must be hungry here" i say with a smile as the boy runs off towards other children who all looked hungry "You'd better be able to pay for that" a man growls catching my attention i nod "of cause" I tell him and reach to the little pouch of money I had and give him "is this enough?" I ask playing dumb knowing all to well there was far more than enough his eyes light up as he counts the money I swipe more apples placing them into my bag "yes this is just enough" he tells me I smile and nod I watch as he attaches my little pouch to his belt smirking to himself I look behind him and gasp he quickly turns to see what I was reacting to and in that moment I swipe my pouch back "what is it?" he asks now looking at me "I...I though I saw somthing I guess not" I tell him he rolls his eyes and I walk off heading towards the hungry children "you know he ripped you off right?" a males voice calls I look around confused "up here" the voice calls again I look up and sitting on the roof of one of the stores was a young man he was skinny but toned he had black messy hair and brown eyes "oh did he now?" I ask and take of my bag and give it to the kids it opens and shows all the appals I swiped the boys eyes widen slightly as the children smile and thank me before running off the boy jumps down standing in front of me he was tall "he still took all your money" he says "did he?" I ask and throw my pouch up and catch it again he laughs "nice" he tells me "I try" I say still playing catch with my pouch "Thief!" I hear the man from before yell and point to me I see the guards from home and panic I quickly pull my hood up and as quick as I can use a little scarf trick I learned i spin it around my body quickly then use a small smoke bomb I decided to bring just incase I needed cash I could use magic to preform as the smoke hits I make a brake for it dropping the scarf to make it look like I disappeared as im running I realise I have no clue where im going "oh no" I mutter I feel someone grab my hand and im pulled into a very thin ally so I was chest to chest with this person as the guards run past us I let out a sigh and look up seeing the young man from before "hello again" he greets me I laugh "hello" I say back smiling a monkey pops out making me jump "follow me you seem a little lost" he tells me his eyes told me I could trust him so I nod as he pulls me along for the ride we soon end up at a ladder and he tells me to follow him and i do as i get to the top of the ladder and trip over falling into the young mans arms my hood once again falling down I look up at him everything around me seems to slow down as he smiles at me I shake my head snapping myself out of my daze "thanks for helping me out back there" I tell him smiling and tucking some hair behind my ear "no problem how could I not help a beauterful woman in need" he tells me I blush slightly as my heart picks up I watch as he picks up a pole "so, uh this is your first time in the marketplace, huh?" he asks me then uses the pole to push himself of the roof top to the other leaving me to watch I could do that "ye it was didnt think I would stand out that bad" I tell him and smile "Well, you do kinda stand out but definitely not in a bad way" he says then stares at me i giggle blushing again and look back at him with a sweet smile this is the fist guy to make me feel like this he then shakes his head snapping out of his daze like I did before "I mean, uh, you don't seem to know how dangerous Agrabah can be" he says then lays a plank between the buildings for me to walk over but as he leans down i grab a pole and jump over just like he did he looks back at me in surprise "maybe you could teach me the ropes" I flirt and toss the pole to him he catches it "I'm a very fast learner" i say with a smirk I see him shiver he stands up and walks over to me "id be happy to" he tells me "good so where are we going next?" I ask him "this way" he says and grabs my hand leading me into the inside of the roof of a building as we dodging planks and beams "Is this where you live?" i ask him and he nods at me "Yep Just me and Abu" he tells me I glance down seeing the monkey whos name I now know as Abu he didnt seem happy about me being here "so do you come and go as we please?" I ask him looking around he nods "yep free spirts" he tells me I turn to face him he really was "well, it's not much" he says and pulls back the curtain and exposes the palace I freeze "but it's got a great view palace" he tells me and sits down by the window looking out I hug myself "looks pretty amazing, huh?" he adds and looks at me "Oh ermmm...yes it's wonderful" i say and look away from him "I wonder what it would be like to live there, to have servants and valets..." he trails off "People who tell you where to go and how to dress" i add coldly "It's better than here always scraping for food and ducking the guards" he tells me "but freedom is gone and your own choices mean nothing" i add more to myself than to him "Sometimes you feel so..." he trails off and I sit by him "You're just..." I trail off  "trapped" we both say together we both look at each other and i blush slightly and look away from him the he then takes the apple out of Abu's hand and rolls it down his arm into the my hand very smoothly I may add I look at him "So, where're you from?" he asks me I play with the apple "does it matter?" I ask him he gives me a sad look and I sigh "its a long story but I ran away" I tell him "Really?" he asks me and i nod he then slides closer to me "can I ask why?" he asks me I nod "I don't see why not...if i go back i will be forced to get married" I tell him and let myself go I end up placing my hand on his "That's...that's awful" he says as Abu trys to get the apple im holding "Abu!" the guy yells and Abu goes crazy i giggle and give him the apple Abu mumbles somthing but i cart make it out "what?" i ask Abu smiling at him but the guy jumps in "Abu says that...uh...that's not fair" he says and i smile and turn to face him "Oh did he?" i ask and he nods "Yeah, of course" he adds sounding more sure of himself "And does Abu have anything else to say?" i ask now looking into his eyes again this time I see just how captivating they really are "Well, uh, he wishes there was something he could do to help" he adds and moves closer now holding my hand "I don't think he can help me but maybe you can?" I ask he looks at my lips and nods "im more than happy to try" he tells me and places his hand on my cheek "I can work with that" I add and lean in closing my eyes but we our interrupted by my family guards bursting in I jump back and lift my hood "here you are!" one of them say "They've found me! They're after you?" we both ask each other "My father must have sent them..." i say and jump up starting to panic "Do you trust me?" the guy asks me i look up at him now standing with his hand out for me to grab "completely" i say and take his hand "Then jump!" he yells as we both jump off the roof and fall into the streets landing in a pile of soft sand we both get up and run to the closet exit to find it blocked "We just keep running into each other, don't we street rat?" the head guard asks the guy Abu jumps on to the guard who is now holding the guy but more guards are appear and pull Abu off his head and throws him in a vase as three other guards grab the guy holding down "It's the dungeon for you, boy" the head guard says to the guy who is trying to get away from them i grab on to the head guard "Let go of him" i demand "Look what we have here, men a street mouse" the head guard says then throws me on to the floor i really didnt want to do this but i dont have any other choice if it means hes safe i stand up and pull off my hood letting my long hair flow "I dont want to repeat myself Unhand him by order of the princess" i tell the guards again all the guards suddenly stop what they where doing and bow, forcing the guy to bow as well "Princess Lilith" the head guard says my name with full respect "princess?" the guy asks me "im so sorry" I tell him sadly i look away from him "What are you doing outside the palace? And with this street rat?" the head guard asks me "That's not your concern right now do as I command Release him!" i tell them again putting my foot down "Well, I would, princess, but my orders come from Jafar You'll have to take it up with him" the guard tells me as the others drag the boy away "but im the princess my orders are more important than his" I say worry filling my voice "sorry Princess its just the way things are" the guard tells me I walk over and lean down to the guy "I will get you out I promise you trust me right?" I ask him he gives me a smile "completely" he says as hes pulled away I rush home to have a little heart to heart with Jafar

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