Chosen a suitor

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~Lilith's POV~

after cuddling with him for so long we decide to head back home Ali helps me off the Carpet and on to the balcony that leads to my room then floats under it so he is looking up at me "Good night, my handsome prince" i say with a sweet voice and smiling at him "Sleep well, princess" Ali says looking into my eyes would it be so wrong to kiss him? "I guess I should go" he says sadly "wait Ali can I ask you somthing before you leave?" I ask he looks up at me with a smile "of cause Lilith" he says and I shiver slightly at him calling me by my name "well remember when we first met in the marketplace and you took me to your little hideout?" I ask him he nods "of cause I do its hard to forget" he says smoothly I giggle I get slightly closer to him "w...well before the guards burst in we where going to do somthing" I tell him only to see a blush go to his cheeks and he nods "can we try that again?" I ask blushing "absolutely" he says and his carpet pushes Ali up and our lips meet i close my eyes and enjoy the kiss I felt like nothing else in the world mattered until i hear Jasmine clean her throat i pull away slowly "i have to go but i had a lovely time Ali and I hope to do it again" i tell him and walk away from him and back into my room Jasmine smirks at me "looks like someone had a good time" she says and i giggle "yep it was the best and i think you where right about finding the one" i tell her while blushing she smiles and tackles me down "oh my really? your not messing with me?" she asks I shake my head no and smile at her "could you actually be in..." I cut her off "love? yes" I tell her and we both giggle as I tell her everything that happened before our dad then walks in but he seems a little offwe both stand up smiling at one at other before looking at dad "Lilith" he says i look up at him with a huge smile "dad before you say anything I just had the most wonderful time I'm so happy" i tell him smiling bigger than I ever have before "You should be Lilith I have chosen a husband for you" he tells me I shake my head "what no dad its fine iv picked one" i tell him but he stops me "You will wed Jafar" he tells me as Jafar enters my room me and Jasmine go quite "You're speechless, I see. A fine quality in a wife" Jafar tells me while stepping closer and I snap out of it "Ew I will never marry you" I growl at him "dad she wants Prince Ali!" my sister tells him but he stays quite "Prince Ali left!" Jafar tells us "what?" I ask confused but I was just with him how does that work "Better check your crystal ball again, Jafar!" Ali says and i turn to see him he was soaking wet "Ali are you ok your soaked!" i say worried he was angry but not at me at Jafar "Tell them the truth, Jafar! You tried to have me killed" Ali tells us I turn to face him "What?" me and Jasmine ask "thats ridiculous nonsense, your highness he is obviously lying" Jafar tell our dad and brings the staff close to the our dad's face "Obviously...lying" dad agrees somthing was off with him "dad, what's wrong with you?" Jasmine ask him I step away from Ali somthing was making me uneasy about Jafar and I feel like it may be the snake staff I grab it out of his hands and see panic in his eyes "Ali" I call and throw it to him he catches it and smashes it on the floor making us all flinch "Your highness, Jafar's been controlling you with this!" Ali tells my dad and shows him the staff "What? Jafar? You, you traitor!" my dad growls and we all start to walk towards him "Your majesty, all of this can be explained" Jafar trys to explain but we call for the guards Jafar is about to try and grab Ali but the guards grab him "arrest him at once" Jasmine tells them and they go to take him away "This is not done yet, boy!" Jafar says to Ali then is a poof of smoke disappears "he stole my thing" I mutter making Ali laugh slightly and wraps his arms around me "Find him, search everywhere!" dad demands losing his mind "are you both all right?" Ali asks looking at me and Jasmine but he wraps his arms around me I smile and nod "yes we are" I tell him and smile at him he smiles back moving some hair out of my face we both lean in to kiss again but dad walks in-between us "Jafar, my most trusted counsellor, plotting against me all this time just horrible how will I ever..." dad cuts himself off when he sees me and Ali holding each other "Can it be true? My darling Lilith has finally chosen a suitor?" he asks and i nod "yes i have" i tell him but don't take my eyes off Ali "Ha ha! Praise Allah! You brilliant boy, I could kiss you! i won't...I'll leave that to two will be wed at once! Yes, yes and you'll be happy and prosperous, and then my boy, you will be sultan!" dad tells Ali wow dad really liked to rush things "Sultan?" Ali asks while hugging me "Yes, a fine upstanding youth like yourself, a person of your unimpeachable moral character is exactly what this kingdom needs!" my dad says while dancing around i giggle and kiss Ali surprising him but he kisses back when I pull away I smile "now it looks like your stuck with me" i say while giggling and he smiles back "its not stuck if I want to be with you" he says smoothly "see its things you say like that, that makes me want to kiss you again" I flirt he snickers and we kiss again but i can see it in his eyes he's hiding something but what?

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