The Islam thing was forgiven?!

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A/N: okay, so two kids in my class are gonna be the center of a lot of this, so Im gonna use their names so as to not cause confusion and so they actually have names instead of Student 1 or 2, and my teacher is Mr. B., sometimes called Todd. Kay? Kay.

Me: *not paying attention and reading* *finally pays attention and looks up*

Austin: Maybe we are all hypnotized, psychology man.

Mr. B.: *pointing to Austin* Well forgive you for the Islam thing, thank you for bringing that to light.

Me:*internally* What the hell just happened? I thought Islam was unforgivable?!

Okay, backstory so I dont get yelled at by people, I dont have anything against Islam. Austin once asked Where is Islam located? Like the place. He thought that Islam was a country and not a religion...he still hasnt lived it down.

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