The Might of Austin's Pen

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Mr.B: *says something about Austin and Islam*
Austin: *done with being attacked**throws pen at Mr.B*
*pen hits Mr.B….right in the crotch*
Mr.B: *makes a face*
Dalton: You hit his baby maker!
Dalton: At least you already have a kid.

Austin: Can I have my pen back?
Mr.B: No.
Austin: Please?
Mr.B: No.
Mr.B: *takes a wooden pencil from his desk**breaks pencil to where its a third of a pencil**hands it to Austin* Here you go.
Austin: He gave me...a broken pencil…

Austin: Can I please have my pen?
Mr.B: Not till the end of class, now use the pencil for notes.

Austin: I didn’t meant to hit you in junk.
Dalton: Remember what Mrs.H. told you?
Austin: *realizes* I didn’t mean to hit you in the penis.

(Okay, so Mrs. H. basically said that we shouldn’t try to cover up what we’re saying, and to basically bluntly say penis, vagina, and stuff without using slang….so….Austin used any opportunity he had to say penis)

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