english class again

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A/N: please do not be offended by some of the content on this, I'm just typing what the idiot Daniel said...

A/N2: so, we did several Shakespeare plays in first semester, and got several inside jokes from it, such as "You egg!", " Young fry of treachery ", and my classes personal favorite from the movie Macbeth, " I have done the deed".

Austin: The strumpet wants the cockerel stones. (Strumpet=prostitute, cockerel stone=roosters testicle...)

Mr. T: I said no talk of bestiality in my classroom!


Malcolm: Hey brother!
Daniel:I would drive through Kentucky with that blaring.
Malcolm: Oh god, I've heard of dating your cousin...

Daniel:I'm sorry, but you're not related to me, and that's kind of a dealbreaker for me.

(And several more incest jokes...)

So apparently West Virginia (?)  has the highest incest rates, not Alabama or Kentucky, like all the jokes say... Daniel looked it up and a site said "GOOD NEWS: South Carolina has the highest rates of incest, retardation, and drug use in the U. S. A." But it wasn't a credible source and it was the only site basically that said South Carolina... Just thought I'd share this with you....

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