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This is a mixture of stuff that happened in the same class period...dear god help me...at least i only have a week and a half left of this class.

Okay, so Mr.B has poison ivy on the side of his arm....and my class is stupid so that explains this.

Austin: Touch me.

Dalton: Caress me.

Klayton: Touch me with your diseases.


Mr.B: Everybody who's talking stop.

Dalton: *mocks him*

Mr.B: *points at door which is a universal sign to leave*

Dalton: *mimics him*

Klayton: *says something*

Dalton: *puts a finger on his nose and points at Klayton, stomping his feet on the ground*

Mr.B: *ignores Dalton and continues with lesson*

~time skip brought to you by Islam Ville~

Mr.B: *talking about a post test we have to do that's not for a grade*

Dalton: If this isn't a real test you aren't a real teacher.

Austin: This is communism!

Dalton: This is socialism!

Austin: This is the holocaust all over again!

Dalton: Whoa there Austin! That's a little to far! (that's where you draw the line?! You've said far worse than that Dalton)

~few minutes later~

Mr. B: *takes out a piece of gum and eats it*

Austin: There are people starving in Africa and you just ate gum in front of high schoolers.

Mr.B: *wtf faceⓇ* Those things connect?

Austin: Yes.

Klayton: We praise the rains in Africa.

Ian: No, we bless it.

Austin: We bless the rain Klayton, not PRAISE it!

Klayton: We praise it if it doesn't rain.

~close to the end of class~

Mr. B : *was talking about something or another I don't remember* Tit for tat.

Dalton: Why would you trade a tit for a tat?

Austin: A tit is still a tit.

Mr.B: Stop saying that. *gets phone out*

Dalton: Are you texting Mr. Bo (the principal), are you telling him you said the t word?

Dalton: I need punished!

Mr. B:*explains what tit for tat means*

Austin:....Bosom for bosom.

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