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     Violet Collins is a peculiar. The girl was always scared of her powers. She discovered them at a young age in a tragic accident. She got in a horrible argument with her mother. Things went too far and Violet snapped... killing her mother only with her thoughts. Her powers exploded because of all the rage inside of her.

David Collins found his eight year old daughter standing in the middle of the kitchen, completly frozen. In front of her layed his wife. Dead. Her throat was split open. He was later informed, there was no murder weapon found on the scene.

The man never trusted his daugheter again.

Even though he knew it was almost impossible for his only daughter to murder the love of his life... he needed someone to blame. That's the only way he could deal with this tragedy.

Violet never told her father about what really happened that night. He wasn't aware of her powers. She felt like it was for the better. If he knew the truth he would've hated her even more than he does now.

As Violet grew her powers grew with her. And so did the number of people she hurt. Shd didn't know how to control them so she let her feelings do so.

Which wasn't the smartest decision.

She was scared and helpless.

Her whole life she thought she was the only one with powers and there was no one out there who could help her. Until the day a particular ymbryne was able to find the girl and offer her a whole new life.

 Until the day a particular ymbryne was able to find the girl and offer her a whole new life

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Violet Collins

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Violet Collins

Violet Collins

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Enoch O'Connor

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Enoch O'Connor


This fanfiction exists only because I got inspired to write it right after I finished editing a crossover with these two! I'm still going to be mostly focusing on my other two on-going stories but I'll try and update this story as soon as I get the chance to. I really like the storyline I came up with and I hope you will guys too.

Please bare with me when it comes to the loop situation in this fanfiction. I'm very confused by them and I have no idea if what I came up with would even work but please don't hate if it doesn't make any sense xD

Even tho i'm using actors from the movie i'm going to use characters from the book. That means Emma is able to manipulate fire and Olive can levitate. And yes she's the same age as she is in the book. Overall most of the characters will be the same age as in the book. (Exepct for Enoch of course xD) Which means there will be more characters around the age of 15.


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