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The first night at the house was horrible for Violet

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The first night at the house was horrible for Violet. She was waking up after a couple of minutes each time she fell asleep. She didn't know this place and it was hard for her to relax and fall asleep peacefully.

About 5 am the girl decided to get up and stop the whole circle of falling asleep and waking up. She got up from her bed grabbing The Great Gatsby from her side table and walked out of her room. She walked down the stairs looking around and trying to figure out where she could sit and read, not disturbing anyone. Seeing as the sun was already starting to rise the girl walked out on the porch and sat on a bench.

While she was reading the nature was waking up. The birds were singing and the girl felt the most relaxed at this moment since she got here. She was sitting without anyone around her asking any tiring questions. She didn't have to worry about her power. Nobody gave her any weird looks nor shouted mean comments at her.

Shortly speaking... it was peaceful. And that's what Violet needed at the moment.

She sat there, reading the book for what seemed a short span of time to the girl. She read the last few words and closed the book. She looked around and noticed the sun was fully set now. Violet let out a big sigh and stretched. She got up from the bench, grabbing the book in her hand and going back to the house.

When she was walking over to the living room, to put the book back on it's place, she heard someone moving around in the kitchen.

Curious she took a turn from her way to the living room and started walking up to the kitchen. When she walked through the doorway she noticed it was Enoch.

- What are you doing here so early? - at the sound of Violet's voice Enoch turned around quickly.

- I always wake up at this time, it's the only time in the house when I can sit in silence - he explained going back to what he was doing a moment ago - And I'm making tea... would you like some?

Violet walked fully into the kitchen, sitting down on one of the chairs next to a small kitchen table.

- I would love one.

Enoch pulled out one more cup and put it on the counter top.

- How do you want it?

- Black with two spoons of sugar.

He nodded, preparing the girl's drink.

- Enoch? - she asked not looking at the boy her gaze stuck on the table in front of her.

There was one question that rose in Violet after yesterday's loop.

- What year is it? - the girl asked after Enoch hummed, showing her he was listening.

He stopped stirring the sugar in Violet's tea and looked over at the girl.

- It's September the 3rd 1940 - he said calmly - Why are you asking?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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