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When they got down to the dining room everybody was already sitting around the table

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When they got down to the dining room everybody was already sitting around the table.

- Oh Violet I see you already met Enoch - she heard Miss Peregrine's voice once they entered the room - Please sit down.

After Enoch sat at the other end of the table opposite the older woman, the only free spot was right next to him.

She didn't complain. Enoch was the only person in here she was able to have a normal conversation with so far.

- I don't believe you met everyone Violet - Peregrine spoke once the blonde sat down.

After the girl nodded the black haired woman looked around the table.

- Please everyone introduce yourselves to Violet.

Everyone took turns around the table to say a quick hello and introduce themselves. Violet moved her gaze from one person to another. When it was Millard's turn, she looked at the figure and smiled lightly.

- I'm Millard but you of course already know that - he said making the girl chuckle - And I wanted to apologize if I scared you earlier.

- It's alright Millard - she spoke softly - It's just... I didn't expect to meet more people like me here.

- Everyone in here has something special about them Violet - Miss Peregrine said - Some of them are visible to the naked eye. Like Millard here. But most of them are kind of... more complicated. We call them peculiarities.

The girl nodded looking around the table.

- Could you guys tell me what are yours?

She saw most of the kids were excited about the subject.

There was Fiona who could make plants grow in a blink of an eye.

Then there was Hugh who had bees living inside his stomach.

Horace saw the future in his dreams, which Violet found quite interesting.

Olive could levitate and for that reason she had to have weighted shoes on her.

Bronwyn and Victor were extremely strong.

Clarie had an extra mouth on the back of her head with really sharp teeth.

And Emma could manipulate fire. That explained the gloves she had on.

She didn't found out what powers the twins had because Millard asked a question Violet dreaded the most.

- What about you love? - the question made everyone look in the girl's direction - What is your peculiarity?

- I... don't think my peculiarity is something that I should proud myself in - Violet answered her gaze running from face to face, clearly scared of what their reaction is going to be.

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