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15th of December 1923

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15th of December 1923

28. That's the amount of people she hurt thorught her life. Some of them made it out alive... but most of them weren't so lucky. Either way she remembered every single one in detail. She remembered the look of terror on their faces. She remembered them looking at her with their pleading eyes. Their screams haunted her in her nightmares.

One of the worst parts of this situation was that she was alone in all of this. Nobody around her knew about her power and she didn't even want to think of what would have happened if anyone found out.

Because of her abilities she felt separated. She never made close friends. She was too afriad she would hurt them. Just like she did her mother. And all of the other mostly innocent people.

Violet was walking the streets of London trying to get home as fast as she could. She knew she shouldn't be out this late but she was so caught up in her book she didn't notice when it started getting dark. She pulled her coat closer around her. She should have known to bring more than a coat as thin as this one. London in winter isn't exactly the warmest place on Earth.

She turned in the direction of a dark alleyway. She was aware it wasn't the smartest decision but it was the fastest way to her house.

When she was almost at the other side she noticed a figure right in front of her. Violet yelped in suprise, quickly covering her mouth with her gloved hand. She stood in place for a moment before slowly backing out. The girl knew that whoever stood at the end of this alleyway could be totally harmless but she didn't want to test her luck.

The blonde only took a couple of steps before she heard the figure speak.

- Violet, i'm not here to hurt you - it was a woman.

The girl was unable to move when she saw the figure coming closer and closer to her. The woman finally stood where Violet could make out some features of her face. She had green eyes and dark almost black hair tied in a bun on top of her head. She was dressed in an all black dress.

- Who... who are you ma'am? - Violet asked in a shaky voice - How do you know my name?

- My name is Alma Peregrine and i'm here to help you - the woman said softly walking up to the girl a little closer.

Help her? Is it possible the strange woman in front of her knew about her powers? But how? She never told anyone about them, she was sure of that.

- What do you mean help me? With what? - Violet asked confused.

- With your abilites of course! - the woman said matter of factly.

The blonde's eyes widen as she stumbled backwards in shock. This wasn't possible.

- I'm sorry ma'am I have no idea what you're talking about - Violet said in a shaky voice, lowering her gaze onto her shoes.

She noticed out of the corner of her eye, the woman's features soften before offering her a small smile.

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