The New Kid

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                              August 14,  1962
George Harrison's POV
     Today was the day we were scheduled to meet our new drummer. We had recently fired Pete Best because he wasn't that good of a drummer. Though Pete was a good person, we thought we couldn't get anywhere with him being in the band.  Compared to the other bands of our time, we sounded like crap!
     At first we thought there was something wrong with the drums, so we bought another set. Even after that set it didn't sound right. We all tried hitting the drums, hard and soft. We then realized it wasn't the drums, it was the drummer himself! We were afraid to fire him, but we knew we had to do something.
     After a short talk with him, we were now left without a drummer. We had a couple of people in mind, but one of them stood out. His name was Richard Starkey. He was a few years older than us, and seemed very talented when handed a drum-set. We decided to give him a chance. We had a lot of questions in our minds like: "What if he's worser than Pete?" "What if he's super mean?" "Can we trust him?" Etc... I had never had a full on conversation with him, unfortunately. We only really said "hi", but nothing more. Since he was going to be with us for the rest of our time as a band, I'm sure we would talk a little.
     Paul and I sat in the studio, waiting for John to pick up Richard  from the bus stop.
     "So, what are you feeling about the new drummer?" Paul asked me, looking at the door rather than my face.
     "I mean... He seems like a nice person. What could go wrong?" I replied to him, trying to look at his eyes, even though they were directed right at the door. "What do you think?"
     "I don't know... Could he just be putting on an act for the auditions? I mean... You, John, and I have known each other for a long time now, I wonder if we can trust Richard as much as we can trust eachother." Paul stuttered a little. His eyes still glued to the door.
"That could be a possibility... but we will never know until we see him." I replied, looking down.
Before Paul could say another word, there was a loud knock on the door. And then John's voice yelling, "He's here!" Paul instantly jumped up out of his seat. His loud shoes banged on the ground so loudly and harshly, I wouldn't be surprised is he hurt himself. I looked up and jumped out of my seat as well, but not as anxious as Paul.
He ran to the door and immediately opened it, without any second thoughts. Out came John and another guy. He had a very similar haircut to us, but his bangs curled up a little. He had droopy, baby blue eyes, and dark, chocolatey brown hair. The most dominant feature of his face was his nose. I won't go too much into detail because I don't want to come off as rude in a way. I could hear John and Paul mumbling something about him, but I wasn't exactly sure what.
"Welcome to the band, Richard." Paul said to Richard in a cheery voice, and stuck his hand out so he could shake it.
"You may call me Ringo." He took Paul's hand.

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