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Dreadhead- You should let me take you out tonight

Me- I have plans already 😬

Dreadhead- Add me too them than

Me- So you wanna sleep with me?

Dreadhead- I wouldn't mind

Me- Ok I'll let you take me out tonight but where are we gonna go

Dreadhead- Movies than you sleep over😏 and we'll go to the beach in the morning

Me- Ok sounds great but you're sleeping over 

Dreadhead- Why

Me- Because when we come home I need to take my makeup of and when we go to beach tomorrow I need to put a lot of stuff on my face to keep it clean and healthy.

Dreadhead- Aight looks like I'm bringing clothes over

Me- Yea! but what time you picking me up?

Dreadhead- around 8 

It was 6:24 so I had enough time to get in the shower. I finished my business and slipped into my white rode so I could put my makeup on. I left my hair alone since it was the perfect texture and look when I get out the shower.



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With white slip on vans

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With white slip on vans

I ran down stairs as I heard the doorbell ring. "Coming"

"Zion!" I smiled as I saw my lover at the door. 

"Sup Mama's ready to go" 

"Yup" I said as I popped the p.  

We walked hand in hand as we got in the car. "Where the fuck is your jacket" Zion laughed as he examined my body.

"At home, I didn't feel like bringing it" I smiled. 

"Aight but look when we get in the theater don't complain to me about how cold you are" he said as he started driving.

Skip Time

We were in the theater watching Incredible 2 and I was shivering so much that my body was having a whole earthquake. I know Zion said not to complain but I was freezing.

"Zion" I said as I looked up at him. Since I was laying on his chest.

He looked at me "Yeah"

"I'm cold" I admitted. 

He gave me the look and than smiled "You want my hoodie"

I nodded. He removed his arms from around my waist and stood up to take the hoodie off.

He threw the hoodie at my face and sat back down. I scoffed and slide the hoodie over my body, it was quite large. (That's what she said)

I than got right back into the position I was at. My head on Zion's chest, I than grabbed Zion's hand and put it back at the spot it was at. 

I could see him smirking as he "watched" the rest of the movie. 

"Baby wake up" I felt someone shake me.

I didn't say a word but grabbed a hold of the tall human being in front of me and followed him out of the theater to his car.

He opened the door for me "thanks" I mumbled and he just nodded as he jogged to the other side. 

"You hungry?" He asked as he started the car. I nodded my head.

"Where you wanna eat"

"I don't know you pick" I answered as I snuggled up to the car door. I know that's weird but when I'm sleepy I need to snuggle with something.

He started driving and the sound of the car radio and him speeding on the highway made me even more sleepy. 

About 10 minutes later I felt someone tap me. I looked up at him "What do you want from McDonalds"

"I'll just get 10 piece chicken nuggets with medium fries" I said and rested my head back.

"You want a drink"


He nodded is head and finished ordering and drove to the window so he could pay and get our food. I watched him as he grabbed the food from the window and smile. I noticed that he had a really defined jawline. 

"Zion" I said as he started his way back to the house. 

"Yeah" He said as he kept his eye's on the road. Should I say it? Nah, it's to early. It's only our 3rd date.

"Never mind" 

He nodded as he kept driving. Than and there I snuck a couple of fries. Zion stopped at a red light and faced me. He than opened his mouth. I slipped some fries in his mouth. He did this little cute smile as he closed his mouth.

At home

As I walked inside I noticed that the house was quiet.

"The girls are with the boys" Zion informed me. 

I nodded "Can we eat in my room" 

He grabbed my hand and we both walked up the stairs together to my room. He sat at the end of my bed and placed our food on the dresser. I grabbed my shorts and made my way to the bathroom.

I took off his sweatshirt and than my shirt and placed the sweatshirt back on. I than took of my jeans and slipped into my jeans. 

I walked back into the room to see Zion flicking through channels. I sat right next too him and grabbed the food to start eating. I gave Zion his. 

I only ate 5 pieces of my chicken nuggets and all of my fries. I didn't really feel like finishing the rest. 

"Ugh" I say as I got up. 

Zion looked at me confused "What's wrong"

"I don't feel like removing my makeup" I said. If I was telling the truth, I didn't have a problem doing it but I wanted him to do it.

"Let me do it"

"Ok" I smiled and skipped into the bathroom to get my makeup remover wipes.

I heard him chuckle which made me smile to myself.

I sat crisscross in front of him and handed him his wipes he grabbed them from my hands and started wiping my face.



"I think I love you"

Strangers~Zion KuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now