Just Returning A Favor. GOFLB 2

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You made it to your dorm room safe and sound. And as soon as you shut the door, your back slid down it onto the floor where you let out the biggest sigh or relief. "what a day" you groaned. 

your eyelids closed halfway as your head tilted downwards in exhaustion.  regardless of the fact you were sitting on the hard wooden floor, you were fully clothed in outwear you fell flat onto the ground and dozed off.

The sun gleamed through your window as you covered your face with your hands. you looked around confused and realized you were on the floor and not on your bed. You sat there trying to play back a memory of last night until you noticed something. It was oddly silent. you peaked out of your door to find a quiet empty hall way. Straight away your head darted to the clock on your wall and realized it was 9:30 am meaning your first class was halfway finished. 

"you have got to be kidding me" you groaned. dropping your face in to the inside of your hands.

Straight away you found yourself vigorously brushing your hair and wiping off your now smudged make up from sleeping without even bothering to remove it. You dashed to your wardrobe and changed your clothes from last night to a different outfit.  After brushing your teeth you sat at your dresser once again to apply a bit of make up. you grabbed your bag and put your shoes on and twisted the door knob and darted out of there as if you were running for dear life. Which was somewhat true considering your professor was going to murder you for being a whole one hour late to his lesson. Each door you opened and each corner you turned, you ran even faster in desperate attempt to make it to your class with at least the last hour of it to spare. 

When you reached the last corner to turn, your face slammed into a person turning at the same corner. due to the impact you lost your balance and were about to fall back when the person held on to your wrist to bring you back up. out of breathe you managed to form the words " I'm so sorry for running into you I wasn't looking ahead and didn't see yo-" you were about to finish when you raised your head and looked up to find roger with a small smile on his face looking as if he was  struggling to hold in laughter from seeing you out of breathe and trying to speak.

you looked taken aback and just stared at him for a few seconds to put together what had just happened when you were brought back to reality by him, saying

"like what you see?" he said while smirking at your dazed face.

you snapped out of your confused state and let out a sigh. Anything that comes out of his mouth is some flirty sentence. 

"uh anyway, what are you doing out of class?" 

"I could ask the same" he replied

"well lets just say I slept through my alarm clock" 

roger let out a small chuckle  after hearing what you just said and then his face turned into a look of concern

"hey y/n you haven't seen fred around, have you?"

"err no why is everything alright?" you said back 

"well the reason I'm not in class is 'cause me and Freddie were going to go out to our stall but I cant seem to find him anywhere and I cant manage the stall all on my own"

you debated back and forth in your mind until you said to the blonde

"you know what, in return to you giving me a ride last night I'll help you manage the stall"

Rogers face lightened up and then he put on his famous smirk and said,

"or is it because you just want to be with me alone?"

"oh shut up before I reconsider, I'm just returning the favor" you said with a small giggle

grinning the whole time, Roger put his arm around you and placed his hand on your waist as you two walked out the building towards his car. You didn't want to play into this philanderers hands but when someone as attractive and clean-cut as Roger puts his hand on you, you're  deemed helpless.

Roger Taylor x Reader 𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔩' 𝔣𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔬𝔶Where stories live. Discover now