I Like The Good Things In Life GOFLB 7

551 16 14

As you entered your dorm room you flopped onto your bed along with the small bag of jewelry you bought at Kensington market. the silent hallways, the smell of the air in the summer evenings,talking with Roger you were at peace. though you hate to admit the last part.

 after almost an hour you still found yourself staring at the ceiling and smiling as you think about tomorrow where you will be spending a whole day with Roger. As you thought about him more and more you somewhat missed him. You wanted to replay the whole day just so you could see him and talk to him again...

June 16th 1969 6:00am

As your eyes slowly opened you see the sun gleaming through the small fraction of your window that isn't covered by curtains. Today was your first summer shift with Roger in the stall. You didn't quite know what time you and Roger would be setting up the stall so you just guessed it would be fairly early. You hopped out of bed and went into your cramped bathroom to shower and then brush your teeth. After stepping out of the bathroom you sat at your dresser to carry on with your usual routine, Make-up, styling your hair and then going up to your wardrobe to decide what to wear for the day. 

You were just about ready to head out the door so you took a quick glance at the clock on your wall that read 7:20. You grabbed your bag and put your shoes on then made your way down to the boys dorm rooms. 

After knocking twice on Rogers door you heard no response. you suddenly felt so nervous as you thought he might have already gone to Kensington market and you had just overslept. until the door slowly creaked open. And along with the door opening came a strong smell of alcohol and the blonde looking so tired he almost looked half dead. 

"oh y/n,you look nice today" Roger commented,with his voice more raspier than usual and along with a hint of croakiness. 

"Roger, what is that smell?! Have you forgotten about work today?" 

you said while pinching your nose and leaning your body away from him.

"ergh t' be honest all I remember is there was some sort o' summer festival near Kensington and me and fred decided to go and we ended up having a competition of who could drink the most.."


you replied not surprised at all. because really that's a Roger thing to do.

"well err aside from that, what's the time?"

"About 7:25" you responded 

Rogers eyes that were once almost shut were now open and scanning the documents of his room. he grabbed his car keys that were sitting on his bed side table and shut his door.

"well all ready I suppose" Roger said grinning.

you responded by looking at Roger with an annoyed disappointed face. 

He let out a small chuckle which got you even more annoyed. But he did look really cute when he was laughing. Roger and you walked down the dorm hallway and  made your way outside the building and into Rogers car.

The car ride was slightly awkward since it was just the two of you and it didn't help that since you were sitting in the passengers seat every once in a while when the car took a right turn your legs would slightly bump into Roger's. But Roger didn't seem to mind or he hadn't noticed. 

"any upcoming gigs with smile?" you asked to try break free from the awkward silence

"yeah we do, next week actually. you should come along and then we can start where we left off of from the last gig" Roger said taking a quick glance at you with a smirk on his face then facing forward to the road in front of him. 

Roger Taylor x Reader 𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔩' 𝔣𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔬𝔶Where stories live. Discover now