A Helping Hand. GOFLB 3

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As you sat in the passengers seat in Rogers car you rested your chin in your hand looking at the street passing by you. You were thinking about how you were ditching class to play around with Roger Taylor the biggest flirt in college. Sure you were just going to help him in the stall but being around someone  that was so flirtatious and mischievous you knew the day wasn't going to run as smooth as you two ordinarily helping each other around the stall. As much as you were against being another girl to him you couldn't deny the fact that some part of you was attracted to Roger.

Lost in thought you were immediately brought back to earth by roger 

"Are you gonna come and help, or just sit there for the next hour?" 

you shot your head up at him confused and then looked out the window. You were in fact at the market. roger let out a small laugh and held out his hand for you to hold "shall we go y/n?" he said with a smirk across his face. "of course!" you said with a cheery smile as you ignored his hand and opened the car door on your left to walk out. Roger then slightly furrowed his brows and let out a snort before saying "right. follow me"

You walked behind Roger as he led the way to his and Freddie's stall while lighting a cigarette.  You then saw a cloud of grey smoke travel past Rogers shoulder and into your face.

you pinched your nose with one hand and with the other you fanned away the smoke that was drifting around your nose. "Hey! Do you mind?" you sneered at roger. You didn't even need to look at rogers face to tell that there was a big grin plastered on it. This is going to be a long day you thought to yourself as you crossed your arms and rolled your eyes as you trailed behind the blonde.

You headed into  Kensington Market as you looked around you only saw vendors setting up their stalls. whether it was antiques, jewelry or food stalls Kensington Market had all sorts of variations. The market was opening up at 10:30  today and as the clock read only 9:50  there wasn't a single customer in sight. You reached the stall to find huge cardboard boxes perched behind the counter. Roger explained that you two would be taking the clothes out the boxes and hanging them around the stall. After Rogers explanation the two of you got started on hanging clothes around the walls and front of the stall. 

the two of you finished displaying all sorts of colorful and interesting apparel all other the stall. now the stall looked just as it did when you first saw it the other day. "Thanks for the help y/n" Roger said turning to you while holding a pile of boxes. 

"No problem" you said with a smile. "so uh, what should I do now?" 

"Well for starters do you think you could sort out the stuff in the back?" Roger then led you to the back of the stall where clothes and accessories laid on the ground in piles. he explained he needed you to put them in the right boxes which were labeled shoes, shirts, dresses etc. You agreed to the task as Roger made his way to the front to sell to customers.

As you sorted all the clothing you peeked your head around to look at roger who had his hands full with at least 3 or 4 customers. "wow who would've thought the stall would be this popular" you said to yourself as you remembered the night when you came to the stall and recalled Freddie saying that they hadn't had a single customer all day. 

"Freddie better have some sort of fucking explanation" you heard roger mumble under his breathe as he took care of the heap of customers at the front of the stall.

Sitting on the floor and sorting out clothing was a bore but it was ten times better then Rogers job. You almost felt bad for the guy having to deal with more than 3 people at a time. But thankfully for the both of you the day was coming to an end meaning little to no customers were wandering around the market. It was slightly dark but light enough for you to see roger at the front lean against the wall holding a cigarette in one hand. You looked back at the last remaining pieces of clothing and stuffed them into the box as you sat on the floor.

"you know y/n, you're quite the looker"

you looked up to see Roger leaning against the wall in the back with you, a smirk on his face followed by a wink and continuing to take a drag of his cigarette. 

you couldn't help but be flustered at the comment he just made so you decided it was best to shake it off. you stood up from your sitting position and brushed off your clothes as you look back up to Roger he's already inches away from your face you quickly jump out of shock and stay standing there not sure what to do. Your eyes widen as Roger then moves even closer to you he moves his hand and places it behind your waist. He pulls you towards him and leans in to your face. You knew Roger was the biggest flirt but you couldn't help but lean in to him you tried to stop yourself but as you looked into his blue eyes you felt yourself captured. You softly closed your eyes as a sign to allow him to kiss you. you felt him come even closer.

"Roger! I'm awfully sorry for being so late. I was held up in class and- Roger? "

the two of you jumped and turned to see a confused  Freddie standing outside the front of the stall trying to look around at the back to find Roger. 

the two of you walked out the back and at the front

"Ah! There you are" Freddie said looking at Roger. He then turned to you and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "what are you doing here y/n?"

still in shock after Freddie almost caught you and Roger about to make out you managed to form a proper sentence.

"erm well I was just helping Roger out" you said with an awkward smile

"Yea, y/n was a really really nice help today" Roger said with a smirk

at that point you wanted to slap Roger in the face because now Freddie probably had the impression Roger had shagged you in the back of the stall.

"right, well do you two need help packing up for the night, or would I be imposing on your alone time?" Freddie said

Before you could say anything to clear up the whole situation Roger just had to say

"That's alright Fred, we've had more than enough time" followed by a wink

UGH! if only you weren't in a public setting you would have slapped the living day lights out of the blonde. But before you could try once more to get the idea out of Freddie's head the two of them already started working around the stall packing up. After calming down you helped out the two in putting the clothing into boxes. Once you were all ready to go, The three of you made your way to Roger's car. Freddie made sure to get into a seat at the back thinking you would be sitting with roger upfront in the passengers seat. And to his surprise you heatedly made your way to the backseat alongside him instantly resting your chin in your hand while looking out the car window to avoid any eye contact with Roger. 

Most of the car ride you sat bitterly looking outside as if it was the most interesting thing, while Freddie just sat in confusion and Roger Drove with a giant smirk on his face while trying to hold in laughter every once in a while from seeing your heated face in the rear-view mirror.

You were so annoyed at the blonde. heck! he really is the biggest flirt on campus.

Author Note

Wow this chapter took a while to write!!! also don't worry about the lack of 'action' between Roger and you. Maybe it'll change in the next chapter. 

I'm not gonna promise some smut but I'm not saying there wont be any either ;) see you next chapter

Roger Taylor x Reader 𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔩' 𝔣𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔬𝔶Where stories live. Discover now