More Time For The Two Of Us GOFLB 5

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"erghhhhh" You groaned rolling over your bed as you stretched out your arms and legs. You couldn't  remember a time when you were this hangover. But you had good reason, after the situation  with you and Roger in the dressing room a part of you enjoyed it while the other part of you drank like your life depended on it to erase that memory from your mind.

 As much as you didn't want to you were gonna have to  attend class this morning to avoid any other absences. You dragged yourself off your bed and winced as the cold floor met your feet.

After brushing your hair one last time and checking the mirror you grabbed your bag and walked out to class in incognito mode hoping to not bump into a certain shoulder length blonde haired drummer.

 It felt like a breathe of fresh air when you made it to the door to your class. you entered sitting at the seat closest to you which was sat right next to the door and laid out your books and pens. you look up from closing your bag after emptying most of its contents to look out the small glass window on the classroom door only to find a pair of blue eyes swiftly passing you. You weren't mistaken. The pair of eyes you had just made contact with belonged to Roger. But you were relieved as he was only passing your classroom to go to his own because you were not ready to go through sitting through a whole 2 hour lecture with him.

2 Hours passed and you got up from your seat with your bag. You had a great idea to just wait in the lecture hall for about 10 minutes hoping that would be more than enough time for Roger to have left his class and was nowhere near yours, so you could walk out scot free. 

The lecture hall was silent with only you and a few other students still checking back on their notes. you put your ear near the door and a smirk spread across your face. it was total silence. You knew now you could leave and go back to your dorm without having any awkward occurrences with Roger. You slightly pushed open the door and slowly peeked your head out. with great satisfaction you found no one. you let out a sigh of relief and stepped out the door. You took one last glance  behind you only to find your eyes meet with Roger who was leaning against the wall next to the door like he was waiting for someone. And of course you knew instantly that 'someone' was you because as soon as his eyes met with yours his face lit up and a smile spread across him face.

"Finally, y/n!"

you awkwardly smiled back 

"hello Roger, erm is there something you need?" you said it as if you magically forgot about what happened last night.

"well, actually Is it alright if I ask y' a favor"?

you looked slightly confused at first but you put on a smile again

"well I guess it depends. What's the favor?"

Roger placed his hand on your back to lead you back into the room you had just left and he sat you down at the desk. He then sat down next to you.

"well since summer break is coming up..."

you nodded as you remembered your favorite part of college where you could hang out with friends and not have to worry about tiring college classes for a whole 6 weeks.

"you can say no its just during the break the stall's gonna be hell. with all the people getting breaks from school and college Kensington market is never that busy and Fred came to tell me he cant be helping me everyday 'cause of some assignments he needs done. So I'm gonna need another person to help."

you didn't know what to say. This would mean almost every single day of your break would be spent on helping in a market stall. But you felt bad for Roger if he had to handle all that by himself so you came up with an answer

"well.. ok ill help you Roger But-" but before you could finish the blonde cut you off

"Thank you y/n! you're a real life saver! and don't worry you're getting paid for the shifts! Roger said with a smile.

before he cut you off you were going to ask him how long each shift would be but you decided to shake it off because you assumed it'll probably be as long as the shift you helped him with the other day.

Next week the Summer Break begins and almost everyday will be a day spent with Roger helping him in his stall...

Authors Note please Read!!!!:

Ok very short I know. but I will be going on holiday for 6 weeks meaning I wont be able to write more parts anytime soon!!! im sorry about this but when I get back ill write so much about the Summer Break. And trust me I have good things in mind for the new parts.

Thank you so much for showing appreciation on the fic it really means a lot and it always puts a smile on my face when I read a comment or just see that someone voted for my story!! I love all you hoes for Roger and I will see you in 6 weeks!! Buh Bye!

-Roggahthedrummah ;)

Roger Taylor x Reader 𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔩' 𝔣𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔬𝔶Where stories live. Discover now