RukiXOC : I Caught Fire

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~ * ~    <<<< This marking means sex scene ahead.

***Edited : 03/02. Corrections to grammar, typos etc. Because Author lady here, decided to not only proof read but upload, at 3 am in the morning while 3/4's asleep, needless to say you miss A LOT when you're practically sleeping while checking over everything. Who'd have thought right!?***

This contains scenes of a sexual nature. If that's not your bag then go ahead and find my markings and skip over. The marking is at the beginning and end of scene as usual.

This is pre GazettE. Highschool to adulthood kinda thing but it is a one shot song fic set to The Used I Caught Fire

"Seemed to stop my breath.
My head on your chest,
Waiting to cave in.
From the bottom of my...
Hear your voice again,
Could we dim the sun,
And wonder where we've been?
Maybe you and me?
So kiss me like you did.
My heart stopped beating,
Such a softer sin."

As she sat in the cafeteria of her new school, in Japan's Kanagawa prefecture, she looked around warily. She had been attending this school for a few months now and she had tried to avoid socializing. She had attempted it but quickly realized that language barriers were a big issue for her. She could understand Japanese but she wasn't quite able to speak it fluently just yet. Her parents had had her enrolled in the Japanese language, while they were still back home in Ireland so that when they moved out to Japan, for her mother's new job, she would at least have a head start.

The issue that was occurring was that, she could understand what her classmates were saying to her, but she couldn't really respond unless she used a mix of Japanese and English, which confused not only her but the other teens in her peer group. So, after multiple failed attempts, she just withdrew herself from her peers, not speaking to anybody and just getting her work done and getting the school day in. The problem with this was, she was foreign and thus she intrigued her peers, so they were always seeking her out, especially the boys. They were drawn to her naturally blue-black hair, and her bright blue eyes and porcelain colored skin.

She could understand the draw, she supposed it was similar to how she felt drawn to some of the boys in her school. All melted honey eyes, dark hair and pale shades of skin, it was an exotic thing but it didn't make it any less annoying when she was constantly being approached. She sighed as she set her bento to the side. She had had sushi today, alongside some fruit and lychee juice. She leaned down and pulled her Japanese language textbook from her messenger bag as well as her notebook and a pen. She still had some time to kill before she had a Japanese class, so she had decided to go over her homework one last time to make sure it looked ok. As she sat back up again, her things in hand, she startled when she found a boy sitting in front of her, a small smile on his face. She groaned internally, she didn't want to deal with this right now.

She stared at him, her brow raised in question as she checked him out. Well..he was hotter than any of the others she had seen, like really hot. He looked about sixteen and his hair was dyed brown and blonde, styled in an edgy and spiky way and he wore black glasses that framed intense dark chocolate eyes, which were staring at her intently, moving across her frame, perusing her, as she did him. As she continued to take him in, she had to resist the urge to bite her lip, her fourteen-year-old hormones were supercharged at this point. He looked as though he was tight and lean under his uniform and she couldn't tell for sure, as he was sitting down, but he looked as though he was a little shorter than average, not that, that was a bad thing, she was super short herself. All in all, he was definitely drool worthy and her body let her know it, making her blush deeply at the feelings that were still new to her.

"In your eyes
I lost my place
Could stay a while

And I'm melting
In your eyes
Like my first time
That I caught fire
Just stay with me
Lay with me

Book of J-Rocker One-Shots, Volume IWhere stories live. Discover now